Sleeping Besides You [8]

Start from the beginning

The facial expression you were making could only be described as a mixture of surprise, bashfulness and pure happiness, your crush had just said all those things about you, and judging from his sincere tone, you knew he meant every last bit of it, "Sal...", pausing, you placed your sketchbook gently back into your bag before returning your gaze towards him, "...I'm so..I just...I can't even begin to explain how lucky I am to have a friend like you. You're truly such a sweetheart, I hope you know I think you're just as amazing. Truly.", your body scooted closer towards him.

The two of you simply sat besides each other for a while, enjoying each other's presence and soaking in the kind words that were exchanged before you yawned, quite loudly too. "O-oh, are you tired Y/N?", Sal asked, looking towards your sleepy face as you nodded, "Seems so, sorry, I guess the rainy weather today just makes me kinda drowsy.", finishing that sentence, you let yourself fall back onto Sal's bed, too tired to realize this might be a bit abrupt. "Oh man, she's laying on my bed, what do I do? Shit...I mean, she's tired, and I am too, so I guess this isn't too weird, right? She wouldn't do that if she was uncomfortable. Maybe if I, um-.", finishing his thought, Sally nervously followed your actions, laying besides you atop his bed, the two of you now resting next to each other, shoulder to shoulder.

"Did we have homework for science today?" you sleepily asked, "I don't remember to be honest.", Sal replied, his voice clearly becoming tired as well, "Yknow, Mr.Bundy smells weird. When he was helping us today, I got an accidental whiff of him...I can't put my finger on what he smells like though...", again Sal sleepily replied, "Stale crackers?", making you laugh softly, "Heh, yeah.".

The two of you were slowly becoming more and more tired as you laid in bed, continuing to talk about various random subjects for a good while until Sal suddenly stopped talking, he must've fallen asleep, the now silent but cozy atmosphere quickly putting you to sleep as well.
                          *             *           *
"Meeeow. Mrow.", Sal stirred in his sleep slightly, not wanting to get up, the sleepiness having a strong grasp upon him. "Meoow.". Again, Sal moved his head slowly, eyes opening ever so slightly as he saw Gizmo sitting besides his head, staring at him with his big old feline eyes, "Mm, Gizmo, I'll feed you in a bit, just let me sleep for now, okay?".

The cat stared at him for a bit longer before jumping off the bed, allowing Sallyface to return to his slumber. About to shut his eyes once again, he placed one hand next to his head and the other gently wrapped around your waist...wait, your waist?

That's when it suddenly dawned on him, eyes jolting open to look down at the person besides him, "W-wait wait wait, what's going on-". Only then did he remember he was not alone in his bed; seeing your sleeping figure tightly holding onto him, one leg over his lower body, head nuzzled comfortably onto his chest, your hand gently gripping the fabric of his shirt, peacefully sleeping like never before.

Sal however, was anything but peaceful now that he realized he was sleeping, and cuddling, with his crush, who's body was making more physical contact with him than ever, in his bed. Heart beating rapidly, mouth becoming dry and chest feeling tight, he debated on what he should do, "O-oh man, holy fuck, Y/'s c-cuddling me. I-I can't...I don't know if I can h-handle this. I had my hand on her fucking waist while we were napping together, and I didn't even realize it!? Wait, that's it, maybe she doesn't realize what she's doing. I mean, we were both asleep, we were just trying to get as comfy as possible while we slept without realizing it. Th-this is... really comfy, her body feels...really nice against me.", he felt his face and body instantly become hot with embarrassment, "N-no no no no no, do not think of anything inappropriate right now, Sallyface. Keep your teenage boy tendencies in check!", he smacked the forehead of his prosthetic with his free hand.

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