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Lets get to know the characters a little bit better.


[ A 18 year old boy, raised by his master, since his parents and brother died in a car accident.
He is a poor kid that lives with his mentor and goes to the Wellington highschool like the other characters.
He only has one close friend, Michael.
He is very agile and strong young man, fighting is his specialty and escape from the world.
Even tough he is good at it, he hides his abilities from the world, masking as the outcast, not really wanting to be heard or seen.
He's nickname is Shadow Angel , as he hides in the shaddows but is sweet and protective to the ones who know him,and is also named after an angel, this nickname was given to him by his mentor.

[ 18 year old girl.
Comes from the perfect rich family , her father is the reverend of the city.
She also goes to Wellington highschool.
She is a very sweet girl, and does everything to please her family.
She isn't like her family, all they care about is apperances and she is not like that at all. She is interested in reading, and going out .
She really doesn't fit in her friend group as they are also the kids from the other rich families of the city.
The only reason she hangs out with them is because her family pressuress's her to and because of her best friend Michayla.

Mentor Higgs

[  A 45 year old army veteran, black belt in martial arts, raised Ezequiel since he was 5 and taught him everything he knows.
He is moved by guilt as he caused the accident that killed all of Ez's family, but never had the guts to tell him, and for that he is a tormented man.
Will he ever find the right time to tell him the truth?
Has a plan to conquer the city and avenge the poor by the force of the wrist, and for that he counts with Ezequiel, will he be on board with this crazy plan?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2020 ⏰

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