Chapter 2

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Harry's POV

Its just gone two now and Ginny is probably on her way so I'm in bed and after a lot of reading I found a spell to make me look tired, it gave me bags under my eyes and made my face more pale. "Hey Harry you ready to go" Ginny asked "I'm sorry Ginny I cant go today I was up all night studying" I lied "Oh well then we can reschedule" She said hopefully "Sure" I said "Well bye" She said before walking out.

Once Ginny left I removed the spell and soon after Ron, Seamus, Dean and Neville came in. "Hey we all decide to hang out in here all day wanna join" Dean asked "Sure" I shrugged and walked over beside them. Seamus went under his bed and pulled out three cases of beer.

We sat in a circle on the ground beers in hand and we decided to play truth or dare. "Harry truth or dare" Dean asked "Truth" I said "Do you fancy anyone" He asked "Yeah there is one person" I admitted "Actually Harry I need to talk to you for a sec" Neville said "Okay" I shrugged.

We walked into the bathroom "I know about you and Malfoy" Nev said "How" I yelled "I saw you two making out in the brooms closet" He said "Please don't tell" I begged "I won't, I know how you feel" Neville said "How" I asked "I'm dating Nott" He said "Nott as in Theodore Nott" I asked "Yep" He said "Wait didn't you have a thing for Luna" I asked "Yeah I used too" He said "Okay well why don't we just out and say it" I said "Yeah lets do it" He agreed.

"Hey guys Neville and I have something to tell you" I said "Whats up" Ron asked "I'm gay" I said "and I'm Pan" Nev said "Really well Dean and I have been dating since fourth year so we don't mind" Seamus said "I'm actually Bi so I don't mind either" Ron admitted. 

After a lot of talking it ended with us all getting drunk of are ass's, Ron was crying into a pillow while saying "Why can't he like me back", Dean and Seamus were making out in the corner and Neville and I started spray painting the curtains on are beds silver and green for are boyfriends. 

When we woke up none of us remembered anything but Ron was holding his soaked pillow Neville and I had the spray paint to match are curtains and  Dean and Seamus were laying half on top of each other with very bruised lips.

We all walked down to breakfast each with a horrible hangover and banging headache. "Hey you guys should eat something" Hermione suggested and Ginny agreed "No food, food bad" I said "Cant eat" Ron groaned "Well you had better sober up because are first class is potions and Snape will see your hungover and do everything to make it worse" Ginny said.

Ron and I walked into the classroom late to see the only empty spots were next to Draco and Blaise so I 'reluctantly' walked over to Draco. "Know that we're all here lets start" Snape said coldly "Today we will be brewing Veritaserum and an anti Veritaserum" Snape said before telling us the page and to get started.

Once we finished both are potions I started scribbling on a piece of parchment until snape caught me "Mr. Potter since you and Mr. Malfoy are finished why don't you come to the top of the class and we'll test your potions" Snape said.

He had me drink the veritaserum first "Alright Ms. Brown ask Mr. Potter a question" Snape said "Harry are you dating anyone and if so how long" Lavender asked "I am dating someone and we have been dating since the start of fifth year" I said before covering my mouth, Ginny stood up and ran out of the room crying and I quickly drank the anti veritaserum which also worked.

"Alright class dismissed" Snape said and we all quickly rushed out of the classroom. "Look mate could you talk to Ginny, her Cho, Lavender and some girls from other houses ran to an empty classroom straight after potions" Ron asked "And Harry why didn't you tell us you were dating someone" Hermione asked "I'll go talk to Ginny now and I promise I'll tell you everything tonight before dinner" I promised before walking away.

I was walking around trying to find Ginny when I was grabbed my arm and pulled into an empty classroom. I turned around to see Draco holding onto my biceps "Hey" He said "Hey love" I said while leaning in and kissing him "I promised Ron and 'Mione that I'd tell them everything are you okay with that" I asked "Go ahead" He said "I gotta go because most of the girls at Hogwarts are either trying to find out who I'm dating or planning my murder" I said, I kissed him one more time before slowly pulling away "Bye love" I said "Bye" He said before I walked out.

After awhile I gave up on finding Ginny and went to go talk to Ron and 'Mione. "I don't know how to sugar coat this so I'm just gonna be blunt, I've been dating Draco" I said "WHAT" Ron yelled in shock "I figured" Hermione said "What do you mean you figured" I asked "Well you've been obsessed with him since first year and you got oddly quiet whenever someone spoke shit about him" Hermione explained "Then why didn't you say anything" I asked "I'm smart Harry not psychic I didn't know you were dating I just thought you were secretly friends" Hermione said.

After the talk with Ron and Hermione I told Dean and Seamus, Nev already knew. Turns out Dray told Nott, Parkinson and Zabini so we all decided to meet up in the room of requirement since I'm with Dray and Nevile's with Nott.

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