2 : New Mornings :)

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Ahana and Aditya walked towards the hotel suite booked for their night. They walked in silence while Ahana took in the beauty of everything around her and Aditya seemed focussed on his walk.

Upon reaching the room they saw it was decorated in the way any newly weds room would be. 

Anger shot through Aditya. 

'Who dared to arrange this against my say!' He thought. He found the call bell and rang it. In no second a hotel staff was there. 

"I give you 2 minutes, I want all this nonsense gone." He said in a cold tone. Ahana looked at him and saw the piercing stare he gave the staff. She took a deep breath and looked away feeling intimidated by it. 

The staff boy said nothing but cleared it all in less than a minute and ran for his life out of the room. 

Adi then went and opened his briefcase and pulled out his file, he glanced over to see Ahana seated on the diwan staring at the view outside.

He walked over and handed the file to her. 

"What's this?" She asked. 

"Contract, I need you to sign it." He said cooly and began to take off the heavy turban. 

Ahana didn't say anything but looked into it and read through thoroughly. Aditya couldn't help but stare at her intently reading each clause.

"I can't sign this." She said after few minutes. Adi scrunched his eyebrows in confusion. 

"And why is that?" 

"Mr. Aditya Chabra. Firstly, I'm not here for your property, so don't worry about me usurping it up. Clearly, I have more than I need. Then, I don't expect anything from you as a husband, so lack of physical intimacy is not a problem for me. Neither is anything that applies between a husband and wife needed here." She said cooly handing over the file. 

"You just read the clauses out to me, Ms. Ahana Rajput. I don't see any problem in you signing it so." He said emphasizing on her name to indicate that this marriage means nothing to him.

"I can't do this game of living with a weird soul and all. I agree we both dont care about this marriage. But i can't spend my precious life next to a stranger." She said. He sighed in frustration.

"So what do you want?" He said raising his eyebrow confused at the woman before him.

"We hit it off pretty well at the mandap, so friends?" She said standing and offering her hand out. 

He thought for a minute and found no harm, friends dont catch feelings, he thought.

"Friends." He said and shook her hand. "I'll revise it." He said and turned. 

She put her leg forward and held his hand turning him around, capturing him, "I think I made myself clear, Mr. Chabra. No contracts." She said in a low dominating voice with a glare so intense. They both stood there with the moonlight shining upon them, her hand on his and their eyes interlocked.  

"Right." He said and raised his eyebrows asking her to leave his hand. She immediately got the hint and left him. They both turned the opposite ways. 

For the first time in his life, Aditya felt so many emotions at once and was ever intimidated by anyone. He phewed and walked away.

Ahana took to changing her clothes and taking her side of the bed. 

Adi returned after 10 minutes. He saw her sleeping with her chest raising and falling ever so lightly. He looked around and wondered where he was to sleep. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2021 ⏰

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