"Wow..the last time me and Zach entered your home was when we were third years" Mads said.

We then entered the entrance door. Surprising us were all house elves holding a cake. We treated our house elves like a family member. We never mistreated them. They made our Manor more homey than ever.

"Welcome home Isabella!" Jim the house elf said. "I see you brought some friends with you"

"Wow, thank you! Oh and remember Mads and Zach? They'll stay here for a bit.

We went to my room. My room was one of the largest rooms in the manor. It had A white canopy bed with a blue silk matress and light pink throw pillows. And going to the side was like a library area with a small couch, I loved reading books, It gives me more knowledge than I already need.

"So... what do you guys wanna do?" I asked

We chatted and chatted and laughed and ran through the gardens, playing hide and seek with the elves, painting on each other's faces and stuff like that.

"I am surely gonna miss Beauxbatons" Mads said, "Yeah there were a lot of shitty people there but, It really was home"

"Lets just hope for the best in our sixth year" I exclaimed while reading a book.

I heard someone knock on my door and opened it to see my mom and dad.

"Ah, Sullivan and Finnley, how lovely to see you both here" my dad said while smiling to my friends.

"You guys are gonna be late for the train to Hogwarts. Dont forget that."

We immediately stood up getting dressed with proper attire. Our dad helping us apparate to Kings Cross Station.

I bid my mom and dad goodbye and gave them a kiss on the cheeks and so where Mads and Zach.

I just hope that this year won't be shitty.

"I heard the Harry Potter studies there, I saw it in the Daily Prophet" Zach said

"Well.. I also heard Pansy Parkinson is also there" Mads said

Me and Mads didnt have a good relationship with Pansy. The Parkinsons visited us Eastons during the holidays, so did the Malfoys, but their son never came though. Pansy Parkinson was a bully. She was never friendly and would always get us in trouble.
A shame that we'd have to see each other more ofter in hogwarts.

"That bitch, I'll make her pay when I get there" Mads said. I hope I wont encounter her there. She is a pain in the ass.

We finally arrived at Hogwarts. A bricked castle near a very dark lake. Merlin.... Hogwarts is really huge.

As we enter, different unfamiliar faces were looking at us. Giving us a look of confusion on why we were getting sorted when we're not 1st Years.

They started sorting first years. It was quite boring watching all of them. I just wanted to be sorted along with my friends and take a fucking seat.

"Today we have three year 6s that will be joining you in the house where they will be sorted"

I went on the stool first. I was really scared on what house I was gonna be put in.

"Ahh... Easton eh? A kind heart I feel... But also very very ambitious. Very creative as well. Where shall I put this young lady below me..Hm.. Better be...SLYTHERIN!!"

I wasn't mad though, I dont know why people hate Slytherins so much. Just because The he who must not be named was from that house. I admired how they were cunning, and very ambitious, not gonna stop on what their goal is.

But to be honest, my mom and dad really thought that I'd be in Ravenclaw, that's the house I thought I'd also get into.

As my friends got sorted, we of course got the same houses.

Lucky me

Oh wait..no

Lucky them


Going to the Slytherin Common room, me and Mads went straight to our dorm. It was a dark gloomy dungeon, It was really cold down there. We shared rooms of course. It Had two wooden canopy beds with a green velvet matress. There were two study tables and A tall shelf of books. We then rested. My arms being curled and hugged to each other. Wanting to do nothing more but to sleep for tomorrow is officially our first day.

Lets just see how this year will go on.

𝐎𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐀𝐓𝐄  (𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲)Where stories live. Discover now