Chapter 1: Vanellope Joins The Random Roster Race & A Teamup!

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I saw someone roll what I think is a kart on the track. I tapped Snow's shoulder, "Who's that who I think it is?" I whispered to her. 

She looked where I was looking, "Could that be Vaney?" she whispered back to me, the two of us exchanging a look.

"Citrueslla Flugpucker!" The announcer said as she went back to her kart after she threw her coin. 

"Torvald BatterButter!" The announcer said as she went back to her kart after she threw her coin.

"Nougetsia Brumblestain!" The announcer said as she went to her kart after she threw her coin.

"Sticky Wipplesnit!" The announcer said after she threw her coin and she went back to her kart. 

"Minty Zaki!" The announcer said as she threw her coin and went back to her kart. 

"Snowanna Rainbeau!" The announcer said as one of my best friends went back to her after she threw her coin in, waving to the crowd as well.

I walked up and threw my coin. "Oreline Le Blueberry!" The announcer said.

I jumped up in excitement, walking back to my kart. I high-fived Snow as I stood beside her since our karts were next to each other. 

"Rancis Fluggerbutter!" The announcer said as he threw his coin and went back to his kart.

"Jubileena Bling-Bling!" The announcer said as she threw her coin and she went back to her kart. 

"Swizzle Malarky!" The announcer said as he threw his coin and he went back to his kart. 

Candlehead threw her coin when I noticed there was someone behind her. "Candlehead!" The announcer said and she went back to her kart.

"Who's that? Is that Vaney?" Snow pointed. 

I shrugged as they threw their coin in and their name came up on the screen. "Vanellope Von Schweetz!" The announcer said as Vaney took her hood off.

She jumped up and down in excitement. "Yippe! I'm in the race!" Vaney cheered, looking over at us. 

Snow gave her a smile and thumbs up while I did the same, sneakily.

"Vanellope?" King Candy asked in shock. 

Taffyta rips the cloth off Vaney's kart, gasping. "The Glitch!" Taffyta yelled, angrily. 

The crowd started screaming in shock and fear as Vaney backed away a few steps. "Now, now." King Candy laughed nervously. "Everything is all right! Security!" King Candy said.

The two policemen start to walk over to her. "Come here, kid." the donut said. "We're not going to hurt you, you little freak!" the other one said. 

Vaney glitched before she started running to her kart. She almost made it but something came out of the lollypop trees, causing the three to stop running when they saw it. "You! Give me back my medal right now!" the monster yelled. 

What medal?

"Oh boy!" Vane yelled before she ran away and so did the cops. 

Snow and I hid behind our karts as the other racers ran away, screaming. I took a peek and saw the monster run after Vaney. "Snow, it's after Vaney!" I told her, causing her to gasp. 

Vaney crawled underneath the stands and the monster lifted it up, throwing the stand away. Vaney kept crawling under the stands while the monster kept throwing them away until they get to the huge cupcake stand.

The monster knocked the stand out of the way, trying to get to her but the cupcake landed on top of it and trapped it. Vaney laughed at it before running over to Snow and I. 

Racing Love {Fix-it-Felix love story}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin