The Kiss

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Just how did Lumine get into this position. Her back against the wall as her mind begin to blank, cheeks flushed with heat, as Venti's face lean closer to hers, Lumine suddenly closes her eyes.


Recently she begin to question herself of a certain bard. At first, Lumine had thought of him as a mischievous, cheerful and quite immature bard. But now she notice the little detail of the green bard. Like how his eyes shine as he plays his lyre or when he talks about certain subjects; from the people he had met, his dear friends that some are no longer here, to even just music itself. The cute sneezes he make when a cat was near. And his cute smile that always warm her whenever she sees it.

Just a couple days ago, Lumine had asked Amber an advice. Amber had laughed and told her it was so oblivious. This only made Lumine more confused. It wasn't until Amber had told her that what she was feeling is love. They bid farewell and went their separated ways, with Lumine deep in thoughts.

Ever since that day, Lumine would avoid Venti. It was hard because every corner she turns, he would be there. Every path she take would lead her to him. At times he would call out her name, but Lumine would run off. It was like a game of chase, Paimon would tell her.

Today, Lumine stroll through the market, getting some things she needed for an upcoming trip as well as for dinner. After all, she just got paid from completing her commission quests from the Adventurers' Guild. After grabbing what was needed, Lumine headed home to drop off the items. Lumine then decided to get some books from the library, especially the one Lisa was recommending for her. However, fate seem to not to be on her side.

Lumine walked through the market, heading to the library, and a familiar voice behind her. "Lumine." Lumine froze as she knew who was behind her, taking a glance, there he was. Venti standing behind her, his lyre in his hand, and a smile on his face. Within a second, Lumine ran, trying to get as far as she could. Unknown to her, Venti smirk as he chased after her.

Lumine could see that behind her, Venti was chasing after her. "Why are you chasing me," Lumine ask as she ran, not even stopping for a second. Venti smiles quickly picking up his pace and closing the gap, "Why are you running?" Just as she turn around the corner, a hand grab hers. Suddenly her back is against the wall, Venti's arm trapping her. "S-so this is the kabedon I was reading about," Lumine whispers, her cheeks flushed with redness, as she looks away from Venti. She could see him smirking, "It's not good to run away Lumine. You see, Lumine, like any other males, I like to capture fleeing prey."

"D-do I n-not get an option of escaping," Lumine asked, "Besides I am not a prey." Venti hums, "Even if you look delicious?" Lumine could see, in the corner of her eyes, Venti looking from her face and slowly down. Lumine covers her chest with her arms, "Just where do you think you're looking at!"

"You wound me, Lumine. Beside you're the one who been ignoring me. Every single time," Venti says, his dark blue bangs cover his eyes. Lumine begins, "I'm sorry. But I must distance myself from you, Venti. This is the only way I can take, but I'll tell you since it's just you, Venti." Lumine takes a deep breathe, a serious look on her face before she continues, " The truth is... I've gain weight."

Venti blinks, "Huh?" Lumine blushes as she exclaims, "I said I gain weight okay! I don't know how but I realized that I have steadily gained weight." Venti laughs, "Really? That's all?" Lumine looks away, "W-well there is that and another reason." A moment of silence between them as Lumine gather her courage before looking at Venti, "The other is.. I like you, Venti." As soon as Lumine said that, she closes her eyes in fear of getting reject.

"Hmm. Is that so? Lumine, look at me." Lumine opens her eyes slowly to see Venti face close to hers, and suddenly there was a warm sensation on her forehead. Venti kissed her forehead. He then placed his forehead against hers and soon intertwined his hands with hers, "I like you too, Lumine."


So this is a request by @Miariyo on Quotev. I hope this a good one shot and that you'll like it. Also should I create a one shot book? Please star and comment if you like this one shot. ~Reina Suzuki

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