Work/Family Collision

Start from the beginning

He crossed the room between them and caught her in his arms. He spun her away from the spray and lowered his mouth to hers. He didn't care that his back was getting wet or that he was wearing his pajamas. This moment could possibly mean he was going to keep her with him for as long as he could. 

Rowoon didn't understand what was going on but the intensity of his kiss told her Hyuk was desperate. Through that desperation, he had enough sense of mind to keep her head as dry as he could. 

When he pulled away, she stared up at him. He looked like a lost child. Like his emotions were at war within himself. He was trying to hold on to something, but she wasn't sure what it was. 

"What are you doing?" she asked. She was aware that she was completely naked and wet, and he was clothed and wet. But it still didn't make sense as to why he was here. 

"When you left, I thought it was for good," he muttered. He lifted his head when he heard the laugh that bubbled out. His brows knitted together and he frowned. "Why are you laughing?"

"Delirium I guess. Now get out. I need to finish so I can meet my family."

She pushed him from the shower and continued washing. Though he wasn't technically getting wet, he stayed in the room to make sure she didn't just randomly disappear on him. 

He helped her dress and blow dry her hair when she was done. He brushed out the long strands, careful not to pull on her scalp. She chattered the entire time, something he found she did when she was exhausted. But she couldn't sleep the night before so he had no right to say too much. 

The others were in the kitchen when they wandered through. Rowoon hadn't stopped talking since she'd gotten dressed. Dongwook's brows knitted together as he licked his bottom lip then turned to the two of them. He scanned Hyuk's face then Rowoon's, all the while her mouth never stopped moving. 

"Woonie, you're making my ears bleed," Jiho whined. 

"That's fine," she said. "I'm leaving anyway."

"Where are you going?" Hyoseob asked. 

"My family is coming to Seoul. I'll be with them this afternoon."

Jiho hummed then pointed a finger at her. "Don't come back completely wasted. Whenever you and Do Eul get together, one of two things happens. You either fight or you drink yourself into oblivion. I don't like picking you up off the floor when you do that."

"Seonghwa will be here so you don't have to worry." Her phone rang and she looked down. "Speak of the devil. Bye!"

Dongwook watched as she skipped to the door. He looked back at Hyuk. "She's been up all night again, hasn't she?" All his friend could do was nod. "She's going to sleep for two days after this."

Hyuk looked at the closed door. This was what he got for dating his best friend's ex. Dongwook knew more than he did, and he had invited him to give him as much info as he had. He was probably going to regret that some day. 


"Rowoon-ah?" She looked over at her twin sister. Hyeri held up a patterned shirt and shook it. "What do you think?"

"The pattern is ugly, and the color doesn't match your skin." Rowoon looked at the youngest of the siblings and shook her head. "Plus it makes you look fat."

"Yah!" Hyeri screeched. "Park Do Eul-ah, that's not how you talk to your older sister."

Do Eul quirked and eyebrow. "You talk to Seonghwa hyung like that all the time but Rowoonie noona. Why shouldn't I do the same?"

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