Steel The Hedgehog

148 3 0

Age: 14

Height: 3' 3"

Steel was born into a world that had been overtaken by a dark force for centuries. Adapted to this world, he is a rebellious punk & thief with the power of psychokinesis. He was on the run from a group of larger thugs and makes his way to an abandoned museum. While hiding away, he uncovers some lost transcripts telling about the past before the corruption of "the Shadow Kor". He soon stumbles upon an ancient artifact—turning out to be a time stone. But as the thugs find him, Steel begins to think about the past he just read about, causing the time stone to reactivate and sends him back 200 years into the past, just when the world is being overrun by the darkness. Steel then makes it his sole mission to see to it that the Shadow Kor does not bring ruin to his future.

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