Chapter 21- Potions + Pictures (E)

Start from the beginning

"we will call on random pairs for you to say what yours smells like" Snape says

"Granger, Weasley" Lucius says

"books and perfume" Weasley says

"chicken and chess" Granger says

They look at each other and blush everyone laughs

"Zabini, Potter" Severus calls

"soil, nature and citrus" Blasie says

"aftershave and roses" Neville Replies

"Greengrass, Parkinson" Lucius calls

"Hair gel, mint and peppermint" Parkinson replies looking at Draco who gags

"Strawberry and lavender" Daphne says

"Finnigan, Thompson" Severus says

"smoke and citrus" Thompson says

"fresh air and cologne" Finnigan replies they both look at one another and smile

"Draco and Hadrian" Lucius asks with a smile

"a new deck of cards, potion ingredients and peppermint" Draco says with his checks bright red

"books, Cotton, leather, smoke, chocolate and fudge" I reply with rose dusted cheeks

-time skip- Lucius' Pov

"okay who knew Hades was so good at potions" Severus says with a sigh as we all as staff sit in his quarters

"Yes and did you see Parkinson" I reply

"what do you mean Luc" Bella asks

"we were brouing amortentia and we asked what they smelled she smelled Draco

They all make a disgusted noise

"well what did Hades smell" Charlie asks with a smirk

"oh you know books, cotton, leather, smoke, fudge and chocolate" Severus replies with a smirk

We all laugh at the Cheshire grins on Sirius and Remus' face

We then all get up and try to find the kids

Hadrians Pov

We are all sat by the black lake

I sit at the familiar tree that's always been there it had JP + LE carved into it with a heart around the initials

I am sketching a pictures, everyone else is about 40 feet from where I'm sat

"hey guys" I hear Bella call out

I hear chatting increase and footsteps approaching me, they sit either side and kiss my cheeks

"hey sweetheart" Remus says putting an arm around my shoulders

"what ya drawing" Sirius asks

I show them and they gasp

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