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Arorua Tempest Rivervale; people said that her name represented beauty, storms, and grace. She never understood that, she was never pretty, the storms hated her, and she had no grace whatsoever. Well, that's what she would tell people, but that is different than showing them. What others didn't know was that she had immense grace with knives and a scythe. She would dance in the rain, washing all the dirt off her face, making her look truly beautiful.

She had been born in District Four, moving to District 10 when she was four years old. She was an orphan, and she was young but everyone loved her in their small town. She had the teal ocean blue eyes of so many people of District Four, she should have had the tan skin and blonde hair also, but it had faded, and her hair was a dark dirty blonde, and her skin was turning pale.

But this is not why we are here, I am here to tell you of the 68th Hunger Games, and how Arorua became the youngest victor in all of Panem. Did I forget to mention she can't hear?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2020 ⏰

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