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Submitting your story
This has to be your own story, the one that you write yourself. It cannot be a story that someone else wrote, we will not review it if it's not your own. There is no form for the stories, all you have to do is comment your story name and tag yourself.

How we will review the story
We will rate your story out of 50. We promise to give the author our honest opinions and not lie to you. If we really don't like one part or we are confused, we will state that we don't really like that part. If you cannot handle critism, then we suggest you don't participate in this. We're sorry if we hurt your feelings but we are just trying to give opinions.
All feedbacks will be done in the comment section of your book in each chapters if there are any. The final book review will be on this review book in one of the pages. Look for your reviewers name and read the feedback from your book. We will put this flower (❁) on the feedbacks so that you know its from us.

If you, as an author, think that your submission was rated unfairly or you don't understand the review, pm your reviewer here on Wattpad and they will explain why they didn't like or liked that part in particular. We promise that we will not be rude, we will tell you everything in a normal manner.

There will be seven reviewers,

Each reviewer will have a specific requirement on the genre of the book or what they require in return, which will not be much. You will see later which reviewer has which preferences, and you can pick your reviewer according to the genres they read. If a reviewer has too many requests at the time, you can pick another reviewer. More on that later.

We request that you follow this account @MentalUnstableSquad for the duration of your book being reviewed, add this book to your private library and give us a shoutout on your message board so that you will be updated to what is happening. You can unfollow us afterwards.

Have a great day ahead of you!! 😊

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