Gold and Sliver

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Hello loves I hope you enjoy ❤️❤️
It was my last time on the train to Hogwarts. As I stared out of the window I heard someone walk. I turn my head to see who it is.
"Cool it Malfoy I'm not here to argue I'm here to let you know head boy and girl have to escort the first years off the train and to Hagrid."
"How do you know that I'm head boy?"
"Oh my lord Malfoy do you have any brain at all? I'm head girl now come on we're here!"
God she was so excited about arriving to a school. I should have known she would be head girl she is after all the brightest witch I've ever met.
I started to follow her out and together we gathered all of the first years. Once they were all situated we made our way to the castle. Honestly every time I see it it's like seeing it's beauty for the first time. We all headed to the great hall and awaited for the new head mistress speech and the sorting. Unsurprisingly there weren't many new snakes this year. I heard professor McGonagall clear her throat and imminently looked up man the woman scared the magic out of me. And as I did she begun her speech.
"Welcome ladies and gentlemen to or back to Hogwarts! I know that the last few years have been difficult but I can promise that this year will treat you much better now as for you first year the forbidden forest is strictly off limits. I hope you all enjoy your stay and I would also like to welcome back out now eighth years you children are exactly that children and I am so sorry what you have all gone for and no matter what side of the war you were on I am proud of you all. And this years head boy and girl I would like you to stay back for a moment after supper thank you all and enjoy this feast!" And with a swish there was an abundance of food everywhere. I made sure I was at the end of the table so I couldn't be bothered and due to that I eat my food in peace.
After everyone left the only ones left in the great hall were me Granger and the head mistress.
"Okay you to I just wanted to give you your list of assignments for next week and to let you know that the head boy and girl don't sleep in their house dormitories you to will have what is set up as a small muggle apartment as a room to share here is the password which you two can change and it is the painting right by the gargoyle. Have a great night!"
With that she handed Granger a paper. My mouth was slightly apart when I found out I would have to be staying with Granger but when we got to the room man was it beautiful. It had a small common room with a red and silver carpet and one green chair and one red chair. Between them was a green and gold couch next to a beautiful fire place. It was gorgeous. There was also three doors on the right a bathroom and two bedrooms. The bedroom doors even had our names in gold plates on it.
"This room is amazing Malfoy!!"
"I agree well sleep well granger."
"You too Malfoy."
And with that I went into my room too distracted to look around I grabbed my note book and wrote this poem.

By myself but not alone you keep coming back again eyes like chocolate hairs like the wind you keep coming back again oh this hate how it comes so naturally but is it that when you keep coming back?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2020 ⏰

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