How to Find a Valentine (in Ten Days or Less)

Start from the beginning

"We know you hate Aaron. Aaron is off the list," Kristen agreed. "Who's left?"

"Michael, Chris, Noah, Justin, Will, Ethan, Shane, Ivan, Harry, Devin, Tristan, and Emmett."

"Ooh, not Emmett," Aiden said, frowning. "He's a jerk."

I stared at him. "You know, I'm very quickly running out of guys."

"Wait, you forgot Hunter," Kristen said, pointing at the boy. He had only come to our school a few days ago, and no one had really gotten to know him. Still, I nodded and wrote his name down.

"All right. Thirteen guys. Or twelve, if I don't count Emmett. How am I meant to find one of them to be my Valentine?"

"You could just ask them," Aiden suggested. Kris and I stared at him.

"Are you insane? You can't just do that! God!"

"Whoa, sorry!" He paused and then asked, "Why not?"

Kristen rolled her eyes. "Because, it would make it seem like you're weak."

"And you're not?"

Kristen was about to slap him. "No! We're freaking strong independent women and the only reason that Bianca needs a man is to beat down the b-"

"Hope you're not talking about me, Krissie," a soft voice said. Georgia was leaning on the back on the chair in between us, smiling prettily. She had her cheer jacket on, which was thankfully covering up her cleavage.

"Of course not, Georgia, darling. And my name isn't Krissie." Kristen folded her arms and glared.

Georgia merely shrugged. "Anyways, Bianca darling, I just wanted to remind you that I haven't forgotten about our bet. I wanted to make, like, an official time this year, so how about the dance? It's on Valentine's Day."

I gave her a fake smile. "It's on, darling."

February 6th, 11:03 AM [passing period]

"OK, so apparently Jason broke up with his girlfriend?" Kristen said, arriving at my locker. "So he's another one. Fourteen now."

"Eleven," I corrected. "Olivia and Yvonne started dating Naoh and Tristan, and Emmett's sick. Stomach flu. So now there's eleven guys and I have eight days. What do I do?"

"Feeling the heat, Bianca?" Georgia asked, appearing at my other side. She had been having no better luck than I was, but she kept a cool smile on.

"Of course not, Georgie. I'm doing swimmingly." I slammed my locker shut and dragged Kris away, mumbling, "That was a lie. I am feeling the freaking heat."

"Calm. Okay? You'll find a-"

I hadn't been looking where I was going, and I slammed into someone, dropping my history books and my bag, spilling pencils all over the floor.

"I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed, trying to gather my pencils and such. "I totally wasn't looking where I was going, I'm such a klutz!"

"It's all right," a guy's voice laughed, and I looked up into startling green eyes. "Halfway my fault." He helped me gather my books and stood, then offered me his hand so I could stand as well. "Hunter. I don't think we've officially met. You're Bianca, right?"

"Yes, Bianca. And this is Kristen," I added, gesturing at my friend. She was standing a bit away with a little smirk on her face.

I was starting to get a bit scared of that smirk.

"Well, I'll see you around!" I said chirping and grabbed Kris.

"I think we've found you a Valentine," Kris sing-songed, giggling. "He's not in our PE class, is he?"

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