Chapter 26

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I woke up on Friday morning with a groan. I looked to see the time on my phone. 8:09. I have to be at the James' house less than an hour. I groaned again and got out of my bed. I hope today is better than any day that happened this week.

Omar and I still haven't said a word to each other ever since he and I got into that fight. I was still pissed for what he called me. I refused to drive him to work after what happened, so he either get Bailey or Ethan to pick him up. He refused to get a ride from River, and I don't know why he'd asked Justin to drive him.

Mom noticed the tension between the two of us and asked me what's going on. I told her it was nothing and we needed a few days to spend some time apart. She asked Elena about it, but Elena lied and said she didn't know what happened.

The day after Omar and I fight, I told River what happened. He got so mad that he considered to beat Omar's ass. When I told him I already did that, he smiled and told me he's proud of me. He kissed me and then we took our clothes off and then, well you know what happened after that.

I took a quick shower and went downstairs. Mom got done making waffles. "Ajay, sit down and eat. I don't want to be late to go shopping."

"Yes, Mom." I sat down at the table with Elena and Omar. Omar gives me that look and I gave him one back. Elena looked back and forth at us. We all looked away from each other when Mom put the waffles on the table and sat down.

"So any new going on in your guy's life?" Mom asked.

"No," we all answered at the same time. We took the waffles off the plate and started to eat.

I looked up from my plate and see that Omar is still giving me that look. I tried to ignore it at first, but then it started to annoy me. I gave him one back as I continue to eat my waffles.

Elena started to notice too and said, "Hey, Mom. Did you know that Riley might be on the varsity team for volleyball this year?" She's probably using it as a distraction so that Mom wouldn't notice.

"Really? That's wonderful for her."

"Yeah. Coach Stevens said Riley's the best one she have seen so far."

"Well, you know Salvatore's children. They're all really good at sports. Must've gotten it from their parents."

I got up from my seat. "I'm done eating." I put my plate in the sink and looked a the time. 8:40. I have to be at the James' house in twenty minutes.

"You know I have to leave with the James' at nine," Mom reminded me.

"Yeah, yeah." I went upstairs to get my phone and The Catcher of the Rye book in case the kids take a nap. When I got them, I got a text from Leo. I was confused how he got my number, then I remembered giving it to him on Monday. I opened the message and it said:

Hey, so if you're not doing anything tomorrow, why don't you hang out with me and a few friends at Red Lobster and then we're going to a bar. You in?

I thought about it for a minute. It would probably be nice to hang out with Leo. He seems like a cool guy. I just hope he didn't tell anyone about me being gay.

I texted back Yeah, I would like to hang out with you.

Thanks, Ajay. Be there at 6.

I put my phone in my pocket and went downstairs. Mom is getting ready and Omar just got ready for work.

"Omar, who's driving you to work today?" Mom asked as she put her cardigan on.

"Bailey is," he muttered under his breath.

"Okay. I'm thinking since you don't work on Tuesday, I can take you to get you a car."

"Sure." He looked outside the window. "Bailey's here." He walked out the door and I looked out the window to see him getting into Bailey's car. He looked back at the house and gives me an angry look. I gave him one back as Bailey drives away.

"Ajay, are you sure there's nothing going on between you and Omar?" Mom asked.

I looked away from the window. "Yes, Mom, I'm pretty sure."

"Okay then." She turned to Elena who's sitting on the couch. "I want you to get your chores done by the time I get home. Got that young lady?"

"Yes, Mom."

"Good. Come on, Ajay. Let's go." She grabs her purse and opens the door and I followed her. I hope this goes well.


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