New Alexandria

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The Falcon was getting ready to land soon; the team getting ready. She loaded her riffle and put her helmet on, looking at her team.

"Now that's a true Spartan." Emile commented. Ally blushed under her helmet and nodded to him. Jun and Kat shook their heads.

Their leader came onto the coms. "Just spoke to Holland," he said. "We're coming up on New Alexandria, we have grunts and jackles, so stay alert. We need to gain the city back at all costs."

* * *

Chapter 1: New Alexandria

The Falcon landed S-259, or Noble Team's leader, Carter, taking lead as they exited and stepped into the light of the sun. Kat and Jun followed after him, Ally and Emile getting off last. The pelican flew away, stirring up dust around them as they started traveling north to the city. Emille stayed by her side, Ally becoming nervous. She hoped that she would get rid of the aliens once and for all. They were a violent race, a terrible creation, and they needed to be exterminated for good.

When they reached the city, it was silent. They moved quietly into the city; their eyes and ears open to anything. A shimmer showed up near them; Ally taking the first shot, getting a brute in between the eyes. The fight was on, grunts, brutes, and jackles in the city; all of them attacking at once. There was blood and bodies everywhere as they kept moving. You could hear the screams as they were killed, and feel their anger as they tried to fight back.

They pushed forward killing all in their path. Emile and Carter went up ahead as Jun, Kat and Ally made sure that the job was done. Ally looked around, everything seemed quiet, fires burning in silence of the dead. She moved ahead, Kat on her tail. Jun stayed at the rear, making sure nothing followed them.

They went past big skyscrapers, watching for snipers and more aliens. They found none, and kept moving through the city to the hills. Their armor shifted softly as they walked, their weapons at the ready. Ally kept her eyes open, her head on a swivel as she looked around and kept walking toward the hills.

They caught up with Carter and Emile, jackles dead on the ground as they went to the top of the hill. Kat found some soldiers hiding in a cave nearby, Emile coaxed them to come out, asking them what had happened. A private responded,"The covenant was here.." He told them. "They came, killing most of us. As far as I know, we're the only survivors sir." Carter nodded and turned to Jun.

"Noble 4, we're going to scout ahead." Jun nodded, and loaded his sniper rifle. He looked at Kat. "Try to patch me through to Holland, he'll want to hear about this." Kat nodded, getting to work on trying to find a signal. Carter then turned to Emile and Ally. "You two stay here and wait for backup. We have to get out of here in case they come back."

Emile nodded stayed back with Ally, Kat, and the other soldiers as Carter and Jun scouted ahead to maintain a perimeter. Emile reloaded his weapon as Ally went to talk to the soldiers. They were sitting in a circle, talking about their experiences and their losses, except for one by the opening of the cave. Ally approached him slowly, putting her rifle on her back.

"What's your name Private?" She said sternly. He looked up. "O'Mally ma'am." He responded. She kneeled next to him.

"Can you tell me what happened to the rest of your squad O'Mally?" She asked him quietly. He looked at her. "It was awful. They came at us from all sides," He stared at the ground, going back to what happened. "We were dispatched here on a covert mission. There was nothing here. Or so we thought.. They showed up without any warning, they didn't even show up on our motion trackers." He said, his voice changing to a scared one.

She touched his shoulder. "We'll be okay now. Don't worry." O'Mally nodded and went to one of his team members deeper in the cave. Emile came over Ally standing up. "What is it?" She asked him. Emile gave a slight smile. "We have backup on it's way. They're 10 klicks away." Ally smiled. "You just want to get back to base so you can train more." She said teasing him. He rolled his eyes.

She looked out to the horizon. "Reach just isn't the same anymore." She looked at Emile, who nodded. "You're right Ally, and I don't think it ever will." He responded with a smile. Kat went rushing over to Carter and Jun as they approached. "There's nothing that seems out of the ordinary." Carter announced to everyone. "But we should be on our guard in case any covenant decide to come back." Everyone nodded in unison and put their helmets back on. Kat went up to Carter. "The pelicans are 10 klicks out." He nodded. "Good." Replied Jun as he went to talk to the other soldiers.

Ally touched Emile's shoulder. "We'll be out of here soon." A single shot rang out, and everyone froze. All except Emile who caught Ally as she fell, a purple spike sticking out of her chest. Ally was in shock, her hand holding the spike, slightly shaking. Emile looked to Carter. "Return fire!" He called out to him. Carter nodded and ordered the rest to do the same. "This isn't over." Emile thought to himself as he carried Ally quickly inside the cave." It never will be..."

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