"Coming from the guy that has two pairs of eyes" I chuckled. "But what do you mean by glowing white ?" I questioned.

"You mean you didn't realise ? You're one big mystery aren't you" Gojo held his chin as though he was deep in thought.

"Says the guy currently wearing a mask, what're you hiding under there Gojo huh ?" I teased. He only chuckled in response.

We arrived at the dorms and Gojo showed us to our rooms. While we were in separate rooms, they were right beside one another. The room was basic but rather spacious. I threw myself down onto the bed. It was definitely comfier than sleeping on the beanbags in the library anyway. I decided to go explore around the rest of the dorm. I got up from the bed and unlocked my door. As I stepped out into the hallway I heard a second door creak open.

"You're next door ?" I heard Fushiguro groan. He stood in the doorway of what I assumed to me his room.

"Hey there neighbour" I goofily waved at him.

"Oh Fushiguro, you look like you're doing well now" Itadori cheered from behind me. Itadori and Gojo had just come out of Itadori's room.

"There were plenty of other empty rooms, weren't there ?" Fushiguro looked at Gojo in annoyance.

"But isn't livelier better" Gojo said with playfully grin etched on his face.

"Classes and missions are enough. This is an unwelcomed favour" Fushiguro huffed.

"Aw come on now wolf boy, you'll have to warm up to us if we're going to work together" I slung an arm around his shoulder and beamed a smile at him.

Meanwhile, Idatori had snuck past Fushiguro. He poked his head inside Fushiguro's room.

"Wow, it's so organized" Itadori praised.

"I just said you're unwelcome" Fushiguro shrugged my arm off his shoulder before slamming the bedroom door on Itadori.

"Well, it's all good" Gojo clapped his hands together. "More importantly, we're heading out tomorrow, we're gonna go pick up the fourth first year" he informed us. 

"The more the merrier, isn't that right Fushiguro" I teased. I was trying to break him out of his shell. I had a feeling that he wasn't as stoic as he made himself out to be.

~the next day~

Our uniforms had arrived. Mine was slightly different to the boys one. The jacket was cropped in length but still had the high neck collar. Instead of pants I had a pleated dark skirt. I paired it with black knee high socks and a pair of all black high top converse. I hung a silver metal chain off the side of my skirt. It draped just below my hip. It matched well with the silver and diamond studs in my ears. I tied my hair back in a low messy ponytail. I pulled a few loose strands of hair out so that they fell down around my face.

Itadori's uniform had also been altered. There was a red hood sewn onto his jacket. It really suited him both looks and personality wise.

We were supposed to meet this new student outside the train station in Tokyo city. My inner tourist was internally squealing with excitement.

"Why are we meeting up in Harajuku ?" Fushiguro enquired.

"Because it's what she asked for" Gojo stated. Gojo gestured over to a girl with short light brown hair and dark amber eyes. She wore the same uniform as me except she wore a belt and tights with hers. Hanging off her shoulders were multiple shopping bags. She was talking to some man in a green suit and purple tie. The man tried to walk away but the girl grabbed the back of his jacket collar and dragged him right back. Oooh she's fiery I like that I noted.

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