The Broken Princess

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Her golden hair was perfectly placed

But last night it had been a tangled mess

She acted like she was never fazed

But I know she needs a rest

No one sees all she goes through

Because she needs to be perfect

She wants to be like me and you

She wants to be able to be a wreck

Her hands tremble but no one sees

And her heart breaks once more

Tears fall like Autumn leaves

And down they come, down they pour

Her blue eyes don't have a spark

Her skin is gray from the pressure

On these things she cannot hark

And she has to be of a certain measure

In her stunning dress you wouldn't know

That she feels like nothing is right

And she needs help to let it all go

And she needs to escape from the night

So she might hide for a while

She might not even look at you

She needs to put together her broken smile

And find a new happiness that's true

The Broken PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now