Chapter 1

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Sonic's ear flicker as he heard one of the twins crying. He gets up from his bed and began walking to the twins' room. He opens the door and sees Angel crying then picks her up. "Shhh....Mommy's here. It's okay sweetie, Mommy's right here." He whispered to calm down his daughter. Angel stopped crying and fell back to sleep.

He tiredly smiles and places her next to Alexandrite. He walks back to his room and went back to sleep. A few hours later, Sonic woke up and looked at the clock then began to panic. "Crap I'm late!" He cried as he gets dressed and went to the twins room and got them dressed. Then he drops them off at Tails's house and headed all the way to work.

"My boss is gonna kill me!" Sonic panicked and bumped into a black and red hedgehog. Sonic looked up and nervously laughed. "G-Good morning sir." He greeted his boss. "Late again, BlueFeather." Shadow, his boss glares at him.

"I'm sorry sir! I-It won't happen again." Sonic sweatdropped. Shadow walked away to his desk as Sonic walked to his cubicle. He opens his laptop and began working. He felt his eyes closing making him fall asleep. Amy noticed and shook him awake so he wouldn't get in trouble.

"H-Huh?" Sonic rubs his eyes. "You were asleep again." Amy whispered. "Oh." He yawned. "Also, congratulations on having twins." She smiled. "Thanks." He tiredly smiles back. "Ahem." The two flinched and turned around seeing Shadow glaring at them. They both gulped. "Care to explain why you two are talking instead of working?" He growled.

"W-Well, I fell asleep and Amy woke me up then..." He got scared. "Then what?" Shadow asked. "She congratulated me for having twins.." His voice went higher. "You have twins?!" Rouge's voice was heard in the distance. "Can I see the pictures of them?" Silver asked Sonic since he's sitting across from him. Everyone soon began to ask Sonic questions until Shadow slammed his hands on his desk.

"BACK TO WORK!" He yelled scaring everybody. Sonic went back on his computer. Then he fell asleep again. A few minutes later he felt someone tapping his shoulder making him look to their direction. "Asleep on the job, BlueFeather." Shadow said. "I-I'm sorry sir!" Sonic panicked. Shadow tsked and gave him some paperwork.

Sonic sighed and began doing it.

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