Pretty much like the Kazoo Kid

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This request was taken from an anon in equizona's tumblr blog (Got her permission, don't worry mah dudes), follow her, her work is amazing! Originally posted in my tumblr blog but, I've been dead here so this is happening.


"You 1-A scums feel like you're so special when you're just a bunch of troublemakers!" There he was again.

"You may have a flashy quirk but you barely ever get to do anything productive with it!" At least he wasn't saying anything to you, because why would anyone say anything to you.

"Hey! Did you hear me?" After all who would notice you anyways. "You with the headphones, are you even listening?"



"Man, you were talking to me bro?" You said, surprised by having someone besides Aoyama say anything at all to you. I mean yeah, you were the only one on the patio but that's how weird it was that anyone spoke to you.

"Oh I get it, you think just because you are in 1-A no one from the inferior groups is worth to talk to you" The blond guy kept on with the one-sided argument; it was almost sad, seeing him making all those exaggerated movements while showing that cynic smile of his... Honestly, it was such a mood.

"Nah man, I just think I'm not worth talking to" You retorted with a pose, grinning as if you had just told a great joke and that caught him off guard. "What?-" A heavy hand on the back of his neck cut him off before he could come with a- well he wasn't even sure if he was going for a clever comeback or with an 'are you okay?' but that's not the point here.

Now there was an unconscious body, being held by Kendo and you were still in an awkward pose, amused by what had just happened. "I'm sorry you had to deal with this guy, please don't mind whatever he said"

"Oh! No, it wasn't a bother at all" you said.

"Really?, this guy is such a pain sometimes, I wouldn't blame you if you wanted to punch him." Kendo said jokingly.

"Nah, I'm worse to deal with" you said with that ridiculous pose and grin letting out a giggle.

Holy shit.

That was the cutest thing Monoma had ever heard in his entire goddamn life, but to hide the pretty obvious blush on his face he opted for acting unconscious.

"Well I gotta get going so, I guess I'll see you around?" Kendo said in an awkward tone.

You noticed how she was uncomfortable and quickly retrieved your pose "Y-yeah" you said shyly.

Just as Kendo had left, a friendlier face appeared "Sorry for the lateness" said Aoyama, his dazzlingness sharp as always.

"Don't worry dude, what did Aizawa want anyways?"

"Nothing, he just said my grades are getting worse."

"Welp that sure sounds like nothing." You said in a sarcastic but playful tone.

"What about you, anything happened while you were waiting for me? I saw Kendo dragging Monoma."

"Yeah, he just came at me saying the usual stuff, but at first I didn't know he was talking to me and-" Aoyama interrupted you.

"Hon, who else was he supposed to be talking to? The trees?" He said gesturing at the emptiness surrounding you, astonished by your stupidity.

"Good point" you said in an acknowledging manner.

Pretty much like the Kazoo kid (MonomaxReader One-Shot)Where stories live. Discover now