Chapter 1: The Shop and the Visitor

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It's been one hell of a ride so far. Your Dad's death had taken a toll on you. You're the only one that runs his shop, so you dont have a choice but to stick around and deal with it. You've been sleeping at the shop in your dad's office on his couch for 3 weeks now. Its easier to be there than it is at home. The house is so empty now. You dont like going back. It's not like you have anything to go home to anymore anyway.

You finally decide to get up off that black leather couch after staring at the stupid red and black rock on your dad's desk all night. You gave it to him after you found it in the ocean when he took you and your childhood bestfriend, JJ , to the beach to go surfing. You were probably 8 years old when you gave it to him.



-Seagulls chirp in the distance and the ocean waves hit the shore with a pattern-

"JJ!!" You squealed "STOP CHASING ME WITH THE CRAB!!!" You ran faster

Younger JJ laughs "If you don't want me to chase you, then stop running!!!"

Your dad chuckles at the sight of you and JJ going at it again. JJ has been hanging around with you since kindergarten. He showed you around the school when your dad sent you to public school mid year. You learned JJ's dad wasn't very friendly, so your dad has been letting him stay with you and your dad.

"Alright kids, who's ready to surf?" Your dad asks you and JJ

JJ immediately stops chasing you and you both race to your dad excitedly.

You get there first and stick your tongue out at JJ

"Hey that's not fair! You got more practice running when I was chasing you!" JJ says

"That doesn't even make sense! You were chasing me, so you got the same amount of practice!" You yell back at him

Your dad butts in "Ok, ok guys. Listen. You're going to learn how to surf today."

Your dad gives you lessons for what feels like 5 hours, but was really a half hour.

"Ok!! I can do it! Let me try, let me try!!" JJ says excitedly

"Alright JJ, go ahead." Your dad agrees

JJ gets out on a small wave and tries to stand up. He falls instantly, and swims back coughing.

"Good try buddy, almost there." Your dad says as he pats his shoulder

"Ok turkey, you're up." Your dad says and looks at you

You try doing exactly what your dad says but slower than JJ. You get on a small wave, and stand up quick. You get all excited and say "DAD! DADD!! LOOK!! I'M DOING IT!!" You scream ecstatic to him.

Just then a wave crashes over you and pushes you around underneath. You can hear faint yells of your name from your dad and JJ. You can taste all the salt water going through your nose and your mouth as you get whipped around again.
Still underwater, you quickly get closer to the shore and see a red and black rock. You reach for it, pick it up, and you see a hand come from above to get you.

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