Chapter 12

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*Y/n's P.O.V *

It had been a two days since Harry left and he hadn't called me. At the moment I was at Anne's house spending time with Her and Gemma. While Anne and I were on the sofa going through old pictures of Gemma and Harry when Gemma ran into thr room and jumped on the sofa next to us with her laptop in her hands. "Gemma Anne, what are you doing?" "Y/n, watch this!" She said placing the laptop on the coffee table in front of us. It was a video of Harry and the guys at a previous interview. "I cried when I heard him say this." Gemma said after the video played. I smiled hearing Harry say that. Anne was quiet though. I questioned why until I remembered that she didn't know we were having problems. "Honey, why didn't you tell me you two were having trouble?" She asked. I sighed. "We're working it out, Anne. It's alright." "What caused the problems in the first place?" I looked at Gemma not knowing what to say because she knew Harry had kissed another girl. "Tell her the truth, Y / n." Gemma said softly. "Tell me what?" Anne asked. "Harry, um, he kissed someone else and got her number a few months ago." "He did what!" She yelled. "It's alright. He hasn't done anything else." I said. She scoffed. "It's not alright. You're married. I raised him much better than that." She said. For the last couple hours, Anne and Gemma talked about Harry and me. When it was time to leave I hugged them goodbye and got in my car driving back home. Once I stepped inside the house, Harry was calling me. "Hello?" "Hi, baby." He said softly. "Hey. What's up? You haven't called me." "I know. I'm sorry. We've been so busy. I just finished a show and had sometime to call you. What did you do today?" He asked. "I've been with your mom and sister all day." I said picking up a magazine I got out of the mailbox when I got home and flipped through a couple pages. "HARRY STYLES LEAVES BAR WITH A TALL BLONDE MODEL AND THESE TWO ARE VERY FRIENDLY. AREN'T YOU A MARRIED MAN?" I froze reading the page. As Harry talked I kept staring at the picture of Harry and the girl. His hands gripped her lips as she smiled while he said something in her ear. I couldn't help, but think about what he was saying to her. "Harry, I hate to interrupt you, but I have things I need to do." I said. My voice cracked towards the end because I was holding in tears. "Y/n, what's wrong, baby?" "Don't call me that." I said whispering, but more to myself. I guess it wasn't quiet enough because Harry heard me. "Why not? You're my baby girl. I can call you that if I want to. And you called me Harry. You always call me Haz, so obviously there's something wrong." "Nothing is wrong. I have to go. I'll see you in a couple days." I said quickly. "Are you still going to pick me up from the airport?" He asked worriedly. "I don't really have a choice, do I?" He sighed. "I guess not." He said. I stayed silent. "Y/n, I love you so much. And I miss you." I huffed. "Sure you do. I bet you miss me alot considering the fact that you haven't talked to me in 2 days." "I've been busy." He defended. "And you couldn't take 5 minutes out of your busy schedule to at least text your wife? Did you forget that we were married or what?" I asked raising my voice a little. "No. I love you. How could I forget? You're my girl. I wouldn't forget you. You're always on my mind." He said. I scoffed. "I may be your girl, Harry, but I'm not your only girl." I snapped before I hung up. About 5 minutes after I hung up. Harry called me again and when I didn't pick up he would call back again.

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