Within a moment he measured the distance and realized that she threw it in anger cause the tip of tube was lil bit twisted which shows that it was thrown with pressure which made it collide with wall.

"Can't expect anything else from you except foolishness."
He shoke his head and sat beside her and took her hand in his.

Just then he felt electricity flowing throughout his body.

He blinked briefly and then started applying ointment on her wound.

After applying it he put her hand carefully inside blanket and went towards other side of bed and started scanning what she was writing.

"So making assignment? Who will do it now?"
He questioned looking at her calmly sleeping frame.

After few seconds everything present in room looked at each other shocked when he say on bed and started writing on behalf of her.

Hours passed like moments.

It was 5 in morning.

Fajar Azan  was calling out.

He stretched his arms in air .

"Well one thing is I must say. Your habit of sleeping like dead body is still same as childhood."
And unknowingly a smile made it's way to his lips.

Before he could realize he was smiling widely.

Samahir starred in sleep which brought him back to reality and he put her assignment in an envelop placed on dresser and after giving her a detailed glance he went towards his room locking her door behind.


"Yeyyyyyy!!!! THANK YOUUUU ALLAHHH GGGG!!!!!!!!"

It was 8 in morning when whole house heard an ear piercing scream.

Mahir and wali exchanged looks and ran towards Samahir's room.

Others ran too except Ali.

He kept sitting and sipping on his black coffee with a stern face.

"What happened Mahii?? Are you okay??"
Wali and Mahir shouted simultaneouslý looking at her whi was brimming with happinesss.

"Actually I am super oakyyy!!! Look what just happened?? "
She flashed some papers in front of their face.

Mahir raised brow.

"Its my assignment."

"Huh?? So what?
Wali shrugged.

"ahh stop your what what already. Actually the scene is that I slept last night while making my assignment.  I remember that I lefr it incomplete and now when i checked my bag it was placed in it whole completeddd and that too in this much nice handwriting. Allah is super great!!!"

Mahir looked at her with jaw touching to ground while Wali stayed quiet and kept on looking at her who was jumping in joy

"Aren't you curious that who had completed it?"
Mahir asked.

"Not at all!!! As long as my assignment is complete and I wont fail I don't care man!!"
She grinned.

Ali stayed with straight face while listening their whole conversation.

It was quite common to hear each other from distance cause no one in Khan villa used to speak slowly.

Mahir took Samahir and after dropping her he went to his hospital.

Ali was doing push ups in garden when wali sat on his back with a thud.

"Neechy utar gadhay!"
(Get off donkey!!)

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