The Cat's out

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"In you get" he held the car door open, the car had come around the back of the hotel. At an event for a charity to support people who have had their privacy invaded by the press there was thankfully no paps waiting.

"Thank you" he made sure my dress was safely in before shutting the door and headed round to the other side.

He sat in, took a deep breath and ran his fingers through his hair. We'd had a great evening. I felt like we could have been the only people there, I barely spoke to anyone else the entire night. I had done my best to resist the flirting that had been going on but he truly was charming, and very good looking, and what was the harm in having a bit of fun.

"You'll have to tell the driver where you live or you're heading home with me" he tilted his head.

I gave my address and he faked an over the top disappointment at me not coming back to his. "I've had a lovely evening" I really had.

"Yah, me too. Thank you for putting up with my drivel. I feel like I've talked at you all night" he was self deprecating.

"Not in the slightest! It's been nice to sort of get to know you"

"Oh you know nothing yet" he said leaning forward slightly his hand slipping from the back of the seat to tuck a hair behind my ear. "Perhaps though, we could find another date to get to know each other again".

"I'd like that" I managed to get out, as all breath felt like it had left me as he got closer.

I closed the gap between us and our lips met. His hand now in my hair, holding me close. We kissed in the back of the car like teenagers. It took everything I had to stay in my seat with a modicum of control. My hands slipped across his shirt as his fell to my thigh and tugged me towards him.

"So another date?" He stopped our embrace but kept m close.

"Yes. Like, when would be, so, when are you free, or ..." I rambled

"Eloquent as ever" he chuckled and kissed me again. "How about one day in the week? I could cook you dinner?"

"You cook?" I sat back in a little shock.

"I do. But if you don't trust my skills, I can order something"

"No, no, you can cook me dinner. That would be lovely" the car slowed and pulled up to my building. He looked out of the window and we both took a deep breath. We'd exchanged numbers earlier in the evening and he promised to call me.

"Lovely to get to know you, a little" I grinned as I untangled myself from him and opened the door.

As soon as my building door closed my phone buzzed.

H - Wednesday?


"Well my darling, it was a peaceful little run but the cat's out" he put the phone down, his assistant had called asking for a response from a photo of the two of us going into his house from the night before.

We'd been seeing each other for a few months, evenings had mostly been spent in, either at mine or at his, we'd managed a few times to head out, meeting up after arriving separately.

I curled up under the sheets of his bed "I was kind of enjoying our little bubble."

He shuffled back under the covers with me "you're right it's nice in here" he teased as he nuzzled into my neck rolling me over and pinning my hands at head height. "Did you want to keep me a secret?"

"Not quite a secret"

"I'm too old for you, I'm not the muscled Chistled American you normally go for..."

"No you're charming, sexy, and intelligent. Most of those are the opposite of who I seem to have  fallen for in past. And I'm happy for the world to know, I just thought I might have some control over when and how people found out, you know?"

He nodded but began distracting me with his lips on my neck and his hand trailing down my body.

"Like being seen out at an event of something, or me posting something? I don't know... that's.... fuck, that's so good" he'd trailed down my stomach with his kisses and was now settled between my legs and talk of who else knew completely left my head.

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