Chapter 27: Clearing the air, part 1:

Start from the beginning

"Marinette, we can talk about this in a calm matter." Garfield looked between the two.

"I don't know what's going on, but Damian, your girlfriend looks pissed." Marinette laughed coldly.

"Technically, he doesn't have a girlfriend yet, since he's too damn stubborn to admit his feelings. You know, if you just admit it Damian, you'll feel better," she checked her nails, in a very Chloe-like fashion. Damian rolled his eyes with a scoff.

"Dupain Cheng, I refuse to admit to something that's obvious." she looked up, hope shining in her eyes.

"So you do like me?"

*Cue Dick slamming his head in the background*

Damian pinched the bridge of his nose.

"YES MARINETTE, IT'S PRETTY FUCKING OBVIOUS!" He shouted, Jaime and Garfield cringed, and looked over to Marinette who looked torn between herself. She looked up, a smug smile growing on her face.

"Geez. Was it that hard Damian? It only took you like a month to admit it." he rolled his eyes and huffed.

"Yeah. Big deal. Sorry I had to spell it out for you like a child." he crossed his arms. She snickered and tossed him the pillow.

"Oh please, I don't think anyone can understand you. Maybe that's why the universe put me as your soulmate. Because you couldn't shake me off no matter how hard you try." she smirked, knowing that she won and turned on her heel.

"I'm going to get dressed. See you in a bit, love." she left Damian, and the other two boys in the kitchen.

"Wow Damian, she's perfect for you." Garfield joked, Jamie snickered when Damian whacked him in the face with the pillow. Rachel walked into the kitchen.

"What the hell just happened?" She asked, grabbing a mini tub of ice cream out of the freezer.

"I think Damian is absolutely in love with Marinette." a voice called out, with a smaller teen behind him. Dick walked over and put a hand on Damian's shoulder.

"You good, Little D?" Damian scowled and slapped his hand away.

"I'm fine. What are you doing here Grayson? And why did you bring Kent?" Jon snickered.

"I thought you'd be glad to see me Dami, after all, I am your best fr-" Damian put a hand over Jon's mouth.

"I just want to know why Father wants me to suffer." Damian huffed and stomped upstairs. Kori flew over to Dick.

"That could have gone better." she grimaced, Dick beamed at her.

"Are you kidding? That's the best thing that's happened all week! Even better than me catching them, per Bruce's order of course, making out on the side of the road! I can't wait to tell Sabine!" he laughed, pulling out his phone.


"Marinette, are you done getting dressed? I have to get dressed, then I'm going to go workout." he was knocking on the door. She opened it, smiling.

"Yep! Sorry for taking so long. Chloe called and I'm sure you don't want to talk to her." Damian chuckled and pecked her on the cheek.

"Thank you for saving me from that." She giggled and shut the door. Her face went serious.

"Hey Damian?" he hummed and looked over from his closet. "Where do we stand, exactly." he gave her a strange look.

"Whatever do you mean Marinette? We stand on our feet, due to human-"

"I mean with our relationship." she blurted out, he backed up into his closet door, and hit his head. The two hissed at the pain. He walked over holding his head, with a smug grin on his face.

"Sorry, Marinette Dupain Cheng. Will you-" Dick crashed into the door, almost throwing the door open. Both teens groaned.

"Maribear, Sabine said to call her. Now." Damian glared at the door and turned back to his closet with a huff. She knit her eyebrows.

"Is everything ok?" Dick grimaced.

"I may have told her about Damian's outburst in the kitchen earlier..." Marinette groaned louder and walked over to her phone. Dick smirked and she heard his footsteps disappear , Damian sat at the foot of his bed, holding out his arms for Marinette. She gave him a small smile and curled up in his lap, answering Sabine's call. His hands settled at her waist, and his head on hers.

"Hello? Just know that you're on-"

"Marinette, why am I only now hearing that you left the city?" Marinette grimaced and took her phone off speaker. Damian chuckled and put it back on speaker.

"Sorry Miss Cheng, she's been asking for a while where I work, so I brought her here to meet my team. I apologize for any confusion." Sabine laughed over the phone.

"It's fine dear. Don't worry about it. Just have fun and be safe. Marinette, call me later so I know you're still alive. That's all I ask." Marinette sighed and rubbed her forehead.

"Ok, I will. Love you."

"Love you too." Sabine hung up, and Damian snickered. She smacked him on the arm.

"Shut up. It could've gone worse." he was quiet for a moment, then jumped up after the red alarms in the room went off. She whipped her head over to him. "WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING?" Damian cursed and went in his closet. She followed. "Damian, what is going on? I don't understand-" he put his hands on her shoulders.

"Marinette, I need you to go to the living room and turn on the news. I'll be back in about fourty-five minutes tops. I need to go handle something." she glared at him.

"Fine. You better tell me what's going on later." she huffed and walked out of the room. Damian sighed in annoyance then put on his suit. He went to the exit in the back of his closet that led him to the garage where the rest of the team, plus Jon, were waiting. Dick frowned.

"Damian, where's Marinette?" he glared at the floor and muttered something. Dick crossed his arms. "Damian." The boy rolled his eyes.

"Relax Grayson, she's in the living room watching the news. I told her to wait there, and nothing else." Dick, or Nightwing, smoothed out his mask.

"Damian, she is one of the most curious people I know. That is a horrible plan." Damian crossed his arms.

"Well what else would I do?"

"Tell her what's going on!"

"You KNOW I can't do that Grayson!"

"Yes you can!"

"GUYS!" Raven snapped. "We need to focus. Hurry up and let's go! We can worry about Damian's girlfriend later. Right now someone is out terrorizing the city and we can't just keep fighting!" she yelled, power flowed from behind her but she paid it no mind. Kori placed a hand on her shoulder. 

"Raven, we are all stressed but we are going now. Right Dick?" Dick shut his eyes tightly. Kori wasn't asking.

"Fine. Whatever. Titans, I err mean Kori? Do you want to-" She cut him off with a glare.

"Titans, Go!" Dick sheepishly grinned and took off on his motorbike, Damian right behind him. 

Meanwhile, Marinette watched as someone by the name of Deathstroke, was spotted downtown, murdering, and wreaking havoc. Tikki saw the look on her face and shook her head. Marinette was grinning ear to ear, and she stood up with a confident puff of air.

"This will not do. If I can't bet this jerk, I can at least repair the damage. Screw you Damian. This city needs Ladybug." she transformed and jumped out the window, when the newsman started telling the public about Deathstroke. Kalki looked over at the other kwamis.

"This is going to be a rough day."

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