・Chapter1= Suspicions🤔👀・

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        Evie's Pov:                                                              -Where Could Mal Be At?!., she's been gone all afternoon yesterday!. Her and I will have a serious BFF Talk!-                                                       -As I Kept pacing around our Dorm room, I heard the door open, and came in Mal  Bertha!.-                                                                         Evie: FINALLY YOU'VE HERE!!.                             Mal: AH!!. Evie!. You... Scared Me!.                      Evie: and Where have you been Mal?!.                   Mal: Er.. Well Eve.. I... N.. No where!. Nope I haven't!.- I can't believe that Mal is telling me that she has been no where?!. Is she kidding me?!.- Evie: Oh really?!. Because you've been gone all day yesterday!. And you come back at this hour?!.-Mal: Evie its only... Oh!. Um...          Evie: exactly!. It's 10:30PM Mal!. You also MISSED CURFEW!. (A/N: Forgot to mention that Mal has a secret that she's hiding from.. To everyone even Evie!. That Mal is an FGirl!. Okay back to the story!) Mal: well Evie I...- as Mal was going to say something, I sniff the smell of.. S*x?!. There's no way Mal has been having S*x All day yesterday?!.- Evie: Mal!. What is that Smell?!. Mal: er.. What are you talking about?!. Evie: Mal it smells like s*x!!., where were you yesterday Mal?!. Mal: I was out!. I was hanging out with friends!. Evie: it's just no way that you have having S*x ALL DAY yesterday!.- I wouldn't believe that a BIT!. Mal dose smells bad right now!- Mal: Pfft!. What Evie?!. Nah!. Anyways!. Why care?!. Evie: because I want to look out for my best friend!!.- and it's true!. I do look out for my friends!.- Mal: anyways!. Evie!. Princess!. I'm a bit tired!. Sooo... Evie: OH!. No you go take a shower first!. Cause you didn't come back yesterday to shower!.- and that's true too. Because she always misses curfew!. And gets A LOT of detention!. Not to mention my boyfriend Ben doesn't likes it!- Mal: already alright!. I'll go shower now!. Evie: good!. Better get that smell of off you!.- Hmm.. What could Mal possibly be hiding from me?!. I'm her best friend!. And best friend are there for each other!.- **************The Next Day***************** Evie: mm...- I hear Mal's alarm go off. Not to mention also that she's to lazy to turn it off her self!.- Evie: Mal... Mal!!. Mal Wake up!!. Mal: huh?!. What?!.- Hehe!. Of course!. My baby dragon is still sleepy?!. Well to bad for her!.- Evie: get up!. It's time for.... Mal: OH NO!. Don't even mention it!. Evie: then get up my lazy dragon!. Mal: FINE!. I'M UP!!. I'm up!!.- minutes later I shower and do my hair. Then my make up of course!. It actually takes me a bit longer to get ready.- Mal: well!. Finally you're finished!. Evie: I'm taking care of MYSELF!. Baby Dragon!. Mal: yeah yeah!. Okay blue Berry princess!.- I love it when Mal calls me that!. She's obviously the only one who can call me that!.- ***********On Their Way to the Cafeteria***** Evie: .?!..- As we were making our way to get break feast, I look to see Mal biting her lip and smiling on her phone?!. Dose she has a girl friend?!. I'd she dose then why did she never told me?!. We promise to tell each other EVERYTHING!.- Evie: Mal?!. Mal: oh!. Yes Evie?!. Evie: em.. Who are you...- I didn't get to finish because our friend Jay and Carlos interrupted me- Jay: hello girls!!. What took y'all to long??. Mal: Evie here!. Evie: Excuse me?!.- y'all know Mal can be a little to much at times!!.- Carlos: we'll at least Evie takes care of her self!. Unlike Us!. Evie: thank you Carlos!. Carlos: hehe!. No problem Evie!.- also to mention right now!. Carlos and Mal are the only single ones here. Jay is dating Lonnie and well y'all know I'm dating Prince Ben!.- Jay: Hey um!. I need to go to Lonnie!. Evie: OMG!. I need to go to Ben too!. Mal: welp!!. See ya two!. Carlos: Eh!. Yeah Bye!!. Evie: BYE and love y'all!.- y'all know.. I'm starting to miss the old times where we would eat together!. But no!. It stopped!. But we're still the rotten Core- ***************In Class*********************- Great!!. How much boring can class be?!. I mean?!. I do like school and all!. But still... As the teacher was teaching. I look out and saw Mal walking quickly by the hallway?!. Wonder why?!. So I decided to ask the teacher If I could use the rest room-  Evie: Mr. Nel can I go use the rest room?!.   Mr.Nel: of course!. And don't take to long!.  Evie: yes!. And thank you!.- I made my way out, and I managed to catch Mal... But with another girl?!. Hugging?!. I thought I saw her doing that withe another girl earlier?!... Until I hide near a wall and heard their conversation-  Mal: come on Naomi!. I already said I'm sorry!.   Naomi: Sorry my a** I've seen you going at it!. With those other Bitc***!!.  Mal: look!. How can I make this up to you?!.   Naomi: okay!. You look!. Give me some time to forgive you!.  Mal: alright!. Fine!. But!. You better!.   Naomi: you might not expect it!.  Mal: maybe soon you'll for girls me!!.  Naomi: what ever!. Bye "Mallory!."- I saw both Mal and that girl Naomi walk to their separate ways. And I head back to class... But all I could think of was.. What are you hiding from Mallory Maleficent Bertha!. Oh!. And don't worry!. I'll find out SOON!.- Evie: Soon Mal.. No more Lies for you to Hide!!                      (A/N: Uh!. So what do y'all think!. I know cringy!. But I'll do better next time!. But that's all!. Chapter2 we'll be updated soon.. And have a wonderful day!. And also leave comments on what I should fix!! Thank you that would help!☺️ AND A LOT!!)

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