You questioned his kindness and why he was doing this, but didn't say anything. And plus he made you feel a lot better so you were thankful.

The two of you never spoke of that night again. Sometimes you wondered if it actually happened or maybe you just imagined it. Sometimes it made you angry that he did that, he overstepped. But then again it was nice to actually tell somebody.

When you came back to Hogwarts after receiving that scar from your father, many people asked what happened. You told everybody you got scratched by a mermaid while on vacation over sea.

They seemed to believe it well enough.

Current day
"Y/n you're a God at transfiguration. I can't believe you transfigured Ron's Defense Against the Dark Arts book into a spider!" Pansy said to you.

"Just wait till her finds out. I bet you it'll even get a laugh out of Dumbledore." you replied.

You and her sat down at the Slytherin table waiting for the pot to boil.

Pansy nudged you with her elbow when the 'trio' sat back down at the Gryffindor table.

"Where's my bloody book?" Ron said with heavy irritation.

He looked to his sides then down at the floor, where a large hairy spider began crawling up his legs.

He shrieked and scrambled to his feet, falling on the floor as he did so.

You, Pansy and most of the Slytherin house burst into a fit of laugher.

"Was that you?" Draco asked, walking past you.

You shrugged, but he knew. You were the best student at transfiguration at the school, maybe even better than Granger.

"You're gonna get yourself in trouble little sister." Draco said but he wasn't mad. He was rather enjoying watching the Weasley struggle.

You and Pansy stood up, heading to the dorms to get your books.

"What's wrong Weasley? Scared of a little spider?" you asked Ron with faux innocence.

He looked up at you with absolute hatred.

Of course it was her.

You laughed and turned around and walked away.

"What a horrible waste of a person." Hermione said after turning the spider back into a book.

"You know what you've got to do brother?" George said, him and Fred coming to sit down next to him.

"What?" Ron asked.

"You've got to get her back." George said.

"And lucky for you, we've got the best idea." Fred said with a large grin.

If she wanted to play dirty, then that's exactly what she's gonna get.

"Good luck tonight Y/n." a voice said from behind you in the hallway.

You turned around and there stood Harry Potter.

"Thank you Harry. You as well." you said with a smile.

He smiled and waved before walking away.

That was weird. Why was he wishing you good luck when he was the team you were playing against? Not to mention you both were seekers.

You shrugged it off and began towards the great hall to eat dinner before the quidditch match.

"There she is." Fred whispered into Ron's ear as you entered the room.

"And you're sure this is going to work?" Ron asked, anxiety creeping up his spine.

"I hope you're not doubting our skills Ronnie." George said.

They watched as you laughed at Blaise's joke and sat down. They waited patiently for you to take a sip of your pumpkin juice.

After about 5 minutes you did, and they quietly high-fived.

You took three big gulps and continued eating your chicken.

Not long after though you felt a scratch at your throat, and your ears began to ring.

Your hand began to feel limp, and soon you couldn't move it.

"Pansy." you said in a warning tone.

"Are you alright?" she asked.

You stood up, but soon your body became limp, making you fall over.

Your whole body was paralyzed and you couldn't move.

"Nurse!" Pansy shouted, bringing the attention of the Slytherin students to you.

Snape ran over to where you were lying on the group.

"What on earth happened here?" he asked.

"I don't know she just went limp and fell to the floor!" Pansy told him.

"I'll take care of this." Snape said and apparated yourself and him to the medical wing.

Ron internally cheered and was quite happy that you were probably gonna have to miss the Quidditch match. He knew without you the Slytherin team had no chance of winning.

Harry on the other hand began to feel horribly guilty. Ron had to told him to wish you good luck to give you a false sense of security. Although what you did to Ron was rotten, Harry thought this was too far.

Snape took you to the med wing where Madam Pomfrey laid you in a bed and gave you some medication.

"Miss Malfoy do you have any idea who did this to you?" Snape asked you.

You knew it was Ron and the thought of him getting in trouble with Snape made you feel loads better. But.... if you snitched on Ron he would tell Snape about the spider and you really needed to stay on Snape's good side.

"No Sir I have not a clue. Um Madam do you think i'll be out of here before the Quidditch game tonight?" you asked the nurse.

"I'm sorry dear you'll probably have to stay the night." she told you.

"I'll inform the Slytherins that they'll have to find a substitute seeker." Snape said before dramatically walking away.

Now you were fuming. Once you got out of here you were gonna release hell on Ron Weasley.

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