Plastic Feelings

429 13 12


Who the hell hit my brain with a baseball bat?

This ceiling.. I don't recognize it. It seems I'm on a very nice bed. With no scratch marks on the pillows from a cat, and..


I jump from the bed only to be met with the answer:
I don't fuckin' know.

This place smells like.. citrus?
Kind of a nice smell.

"Where.. the hell."

The door opens.

"U-uhm.. uh.. a-are you.. okay?"


DID WE..? No. No. We did not. Get that shit out of your head. Im so confused.


I'm just about to shit myself here! What happened?

"Do you not.. remember yes..yesterday?" Sumi asks. She's in her pajamas.. that's cute. So that means I'm in her home.



I'm so flustered I can't think..

"No.. that's why I'm so confused.
Was I drinking?"

Sumi nods in the cutest manner possible. She's still precious.

"That explains a lot..

Why.. am I here?
"Ah! My.. .(h)ead.."

"What.. do you need? For..your head.. ache..?
Geez. She's so quiet. It's always adorable. 

"Some green tea or water would help." I'm feeling the worst I ever felt, what the hell man. 

I get drunk not that often, so this level of hangover is rare. God help my poor brain.

It's good that she doesn't speak very loud, that won't hurt my head.
I can smell the tea. I wonder what kind she likes.

So... let me think.

What.. happened? 

We.. went to the mixer.. Sumi met her stalker.. we stopped bowling.. ate ice cream.. she fed me some of hers..

We.. went to the ice skating rink.. Sumi stayed with me... she fell, and I saw her.. uh... yeah.

Since it was 8, but we wanted to keep hanging out, we went to Sora's..

He had LOADS of drinks.. and thats the last thing I remember. 

"Uhm.. Here's your tea.." Has she taken care of drunk people before or something?

"Thanks. Hey.. uh.. what happened yesterday..? Did you drink too?"
I feel like she's too innocent for that kind of thing anyways. 
Or who knows.. maybe she just handles her liquor better than I do. I mean.. yeah no, my tolerance is terrible. I know this. Is she even of age to drink? I'll ask later.

Sumi nods no. 
"Okay.. why am I here then? I don't assume you just kidnapped me, and are planning to either kill me or keep me as a slave." I try darker joke to see how she reacts.

 (I wouldn't mind the second one..)

Sumi giggles at the joke, and then smiles. God could take my soul and I'd be satisfied.
She faces downward.. and then gets red? 

A Cute Nerveball - Sumi Sakurasawa x Reader FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now