Chapter 2 - Happiness

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"Follow me." Steve whispers.

Steve leads me to a recruitment center, we watch as many people look at photographs of soldiers. I wished there were female soldiers.

"Hey what are you doing here? We are taking the girls dancing." Bucky says to Steve and I.

"I'd rather stay here and see the soldiers than watch you dance with girls." I scoff at Bucky.

"You go ahead." Steve says quietly.

"You really gonna do this again?" Bucky points behind Steve.

"I'm gonna try my luck. So will Y/N." Steve holds my hand.

"As who Steve from Ohio? They'll catch you, or worse, they'll actually take you. And you really want Y/N to embarrass herself, they won't let her she's a-"

"A woman? James I can do this! Women are strong! Stronger than men!" I raise my voice.

"This is a war! This is serious!"

"We know that! I want to change the world! I want to show that women can do anything!" I yell.

"Hey sarge! Are we going dancing?" One of the girls yells from behind Bucky. I roll my eyes and step back.

"I'm sorry. I just don't want to see you both get hurt. Bucky hugs Steve. He takes a moment to hug me. We stay in our hug for a while.

"Don't do anything stupid until I get back." Bucky smiles and backs away.

"How can we? Your taking all the stupid with you." We both laugh. Bucky hugs us both again.

"Your a punk."

"Jerk. Be careful." Steve whispers.

"Be safe Bucky." I smile.

Bucky stops and looks at me, smiling. He nods and walks towards the girls. "Don't win the war until we get there!" Steve yells. I laugh and sit down on one of the benches. "Stay here. I'll try to talk to them while they are checking me over." Steve smiles and disappears in the crowd.

As I sit alone a strange man sits next to me. "Hello." I noticed he had an accent. "So you want to go to war. But you know that's hard for women."

"How do you know that?"

"Heard you. What if I told you that I can help you? So you want to kill some Nazi's?" He smiles.

"Sir I don't want to kill anyone. I want to show that women are strong. I don't like bullies and want to help stop them." I say proudly.

"I'm Dr. Abraham Erskine."

"I'm Y/N Rogers and my brother Steve is over there." I point.

"I have an experiment and I need two people. It's dangerous."

"I'll do anything. We both will." I smile.

"I like you. You have heart. I'll be back." He smiles and goes towards Steve's direction.

I'm going to war! I jump up in happiness. But what was this experiment?

"Y/N! We are going!" I turn around as Steve runs up beside me, panting. He shows me my enlistment form and hugs me.

"Alright you both leave in the morning. I'll pick you up." The Dr pats our backs. Steve and I thank him and hurry home. I noticed that Bucky was home for the night, but he wasn't alone, I could hear one of the girls in his room. I frown and march to my room.

"Hey Y/N?" I turn around to see Steve. "Don't think about it. Only think about tomorrow!" He smiles. I knew that he had figured out my crush. I wish him a goodnight and hurry and pack a bag.

I couldn't sleep at all that night. I was so excited that someone was giving me a chance. Giving Steve and I a chance. Bucky had already left by the time I woke up. The Dr had picked us up and we officially arrived on base. We both changed and stood in line. I will admit I felt intimidated by all these men. They looked at me like I was crazy. "Recruits attention!" My head snaps up as I hear a woman's voice. "I'm Agent Carter. I supervise all operations for this division." The agent stops in front of Steve and I. I look up at her in admiration and she smiles.

"What's with the accent, Queen Victoria? Thought I was signing up for the U.S Army." A man speaks up, chuckling. I scoff and watch as she walks towards him.

"What's your name soldier?" She asks.

"Gilmore Hodge, your majesty."

"Step forward Hodge." He does as she says and he smirks. "Put your right foot forward."

"We gonna wrestle? Cause I got a few moves that I know you'll like..." Agent Carter punches his hard in the face, knocking him down.

"Yeah!" I yell out, laughing. Agent Carter looks over to me and smiles again.

"Agent carter!" I look over as a man drives up.

"Colonel Phillips." Agent Carter turns around. As he starts to talk to us, I don't listen. I'm distracted by the stares of everyone around me, judging me. But there is one thing that catches my attention.

"At the end of the week we will choose one man, he will be the first breed of Super Soldiers." Phillips says. I look over at the Dr next to him and he holds up two fingers and smiles.

From here we start training, running laps, practicing with a gun. Steve and I were doing our best.

We do this for the entire week. Now a couple of us new recruits stayed behind while the others ran.

As I was doing some push-ups Agent Carter stopped me. "Hello Y/N." She holds her hand out for me and pulls me up. "May we talk?" I smile and nod my head, following her over to a table. "I'm curious, why did you want to join the Army?"

"I'm tired of men saying that we are weak. Women are strong, we can do anything. I want to make our country proud and represent all the women who were told they are not strong enough."

"It took me a long time to get to the spot I'm in now. I still get shit for it." She whispers.

"I think you are amazing." I smile.

"I find you pretty fascinating. Your so determined.....Hey would you like to ride with me to go see the other recruits. They do a test and if one wins they get a ride back. I'd love for you to join me."

"I would love to Agent Carter." I jump up.

"Please, just call me Peggy." She pats my back and opens the car door for me. As we pull up to a flag pole, we watch as all the soldier are trying to climb it.

They all give up except one. Steve pulls a pin out from the bottom, making it fall down. I smile as he grabs the flag and hands it to the sergeant. "Thank you sir." He says and climbs in the car between Peggy and I. I high five him and smile. "What are you doing here?" He asks me.

"Peggy and I were talking and she asked me to join."

"Come on we have some push-ups to do." Peggy smiles.

Steve and I struggle to do our push-ups, the other men were doing them fine. I stopped listening to a Peggy and could hear Phillips talking about us. "They are gonna make me cry look at them. A needle is gonna stick right through them." I try harder, pushing myself to be better. My head snaps up, "grenade!"

I jump up and as I land on the ground on top of the grenade, Steve does too. We both were huddling over it. "It's a dummy grenade! Go to your bunks!"

"Steve why did you go for it?" I whisper as we walk to our beds.

"The same reason you did."

"We are so alike." I shake my head.

"Well yeah, we are twins." Steve laughs. I sit on my bed next to Steve's, I still stay with the men but I am able to change somewhere else. I pull out a picture of Steve and Bucky from under my pillow. Tomorrow something is happening to Steve and I.

I was so nervous, I just wanted to see Bucky again.

Perfection - Your story/ Bucky Barnes love StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora