Tom Imagine

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Imagine: Some friends and I had gone out for a meal. Great, all my 3 friends all have dates, as usual I'm the only one without one. I'd had enough of all this kissing and each other eating their faces off...I decided I would walk off, out of the restaurant and go to my favourite bar. I loved this bar, its called good times.I'd had a few too many good times in that place. I knew my friends were too busy eating their dates faces but as normal they didn't realise I was gone...great friends eh?

As I arrived I saw Jake behind the bar, he was one of my best mates. Always trying to hook me up with a decent guy, wasn't ever going to happen. I held my hand up and waved, this meant the usual please. Yes, that's how much I was in..."Hey Jake, got any new lads for me tonight?" I winked at him, laughing a tad. Suprisingly he shook his head. Wow, that was truly a first. "No more lads for a lovely LADY for you, only men this time." He smirked. I couldn't help but bow my head, this boy was desperate. Just as I picked up my drink to turn around, I bumped into someone! Oh god not today! As I looked up into this guys eyes I couldn't speak. Its like my mouth was glued shut. Hazel, that was the colour of his eyes. I would know, I couldn't take my eyes off them.

"And this is the man I wanted you to meet...Tom." Jake had to interrupt. "Yeh, so I'm erm..him." Tom spoke. God his voice. So perfect, you could tell he was from Bolton. I didn't care that I was in the middle of a pub, I was with an angel. Well the voice and eyes of one anyway. "Well you want to go erm...somewhere to talk?" Tom asked looking quite nervous. That's when I snapped out of my dream state, I hopped of my puffy, white cloud. "Gosh. Yeh sure! Do you want me to get you a new top? I'm so sorry!" I said worried it was gonna ruin something.

Tom, well I think Jake said that was his name, grabbed my hand and ran out of the pub. After dodging about 30 people we finally got out of the pub. Looks like another good time on the list. I looked around at the night sky. Even though it was a pitch black night and I didn't know this guy, I felt so safe. Staring up into space I looked up at the stars, they twinkle like lights on a christmas tree. That's when he wrapped his arms from behind, anyone else I would of jumped. Not today...not him.

I turned round his arms, I'd know this guy what less than 5 minutes and I think I loved him. Is that even possible? Only one way to that thought ran through my head I felt two soft, seductive, precious lips press firmly but with passion. I could feel my body needing CPR, sparks shooting round like an electric circuit. As he pulled away I missed his touch. That night was the night I found you. That was the night Jake got it right.  

Please tell me what you think? I'm quite new to these, :)) thanks for reading. By the way if you want one just ask I'll do it when I can ♥ ~ Ray

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