"I do not think-"

"Give it a try." Evie suggested and handed you a couple of throwing knives. You tried to follow as she did but the blade barely made it to the rooftop you needed it to. You tried again with more force and it made it but the aim wasn't quite there, "Perhaps more practice is needed? You can do that back at the stronghold and I am sure Jacob would assist you." Evie threw another knife and it took down the last gunman on the roof. 

You moved around the blighter stronghold and saw some captured rooks. Evie threw a knife to take out one of the blighter guards and instructed you to do the air assassination. You executed it perfectly once again and freed the rook from his restraints. 

All that was left were two more blighters guarding another rook and the stronghold leader. Evie went to take care of the stronghold leader and let you take out the other two blighters. You followed her instructions and kept low. You quietly approached one of the blighters that had walked away momentarily and stabbed him in the back. You were worried the other blighter would hear but he didn't so you approached him and stabbed him too. You freed the last rook and you pulled down your hood.

You approached Evie at the centre who was waiting for you. Some rooks joined you just moments later. One rook burned down the blighter flag that hung over the main house and the rooks cheered.

The rooks now had yet another stronghold to go to and you were glad.

"Are you ready to move on? We have something else to do today." 

"Where to next?" You asked her.

"We will be heading to a factory. Spindles and Looms." Evie said, "To free the children that have been forced to work there."

You travelled with Evie to the factory and once again started from a highpoint to overlook the entire area. You almost couldn't believe what you were seeing. You had been sheltered from such things your whole life.

"This is just more proof of what an awful man Crawford Starrick is..." You muttered, "We must free them quickly."

"And we shall." Evie concluded, "Keep to the shadows, remember to be quiet. I will take the right side and you the left. We shall free the children once the blighters are no more."

You nodded and got to an area where you could see more. There were only two blighters on the upper levels on your side. One by an open window and the other leaning on the wall barking instructions to the children. You approached the brute by the window first. He didn't even know you were there. You killed him and his body dropped outside the building. Luckily, there was no door beneath you. 

You approached the female blighter with caution. You weren't sure if you could manage to sneak up towards her and kill her. One trick you had picked up from Evie though was to whistle to draw them out so you did just that. You were hidden behind one of the wall dividers when you whistled. The woman got alerted to something being amiss and left her post. 

You went around the wall divider to sneak up behind her and kill her. When she fell, you moved to the balcony in the middle of the factory to overlook the lower level on your side. One man left stood by an alarm bell. 

You looked over to Evie's side to see she had killed off her final blighter. She remained hidden so you had your chance. You hopped up onto the barrier and jumped down to kill your final blighter. He went down easily and the bell was never sounded. You once again stood and removed the hood covering your head. 

You and Evie then went around the factory to tell the children they were free to go. It truly was inhumane. You felt a pang in your heart as you watched the rooks take care of the children to get them to safety. Probably to Clara. 

Unexpected (Jacob Frye x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now