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My brothers, sister and I had got back to school, We were there first year then mother pulled us so now we are back for 6th year, well my 6th year and their 7th. We've kept up with our studies, and in case you were wondering we are purebloods. At birth our mother named us in each house and had our names according to them, but she couldn't figure out my house, so hi I'm Persephone White, youngest of the whites. Little did she know that I was a hufflepuff.

 "Let's get going" My brother slyth the 4th born nearly yells, You guessed right, He is a slytherin. "Move asshole!" Griffon, the 2nd born yells at Raven the 3rd born. "No you move you mental catastrophe" Raven pushes him, I roll my eyes and get in. My sister Lythia the 5th born sat as well. We arrived and headed to my dorm room, surprisingly it was only for me, with a note saying nobody wants to room with you.

Next day

I went to class and seen my brothers and sister, I sat next to slyth, "You're in my seat you muggle" I hear a cold voice, I look up to see a boy with strong features and green eyes, dark. I stay silent. "Are you deaf!? I suggest you move before I make you" He states. "I'm not deaf, but if this was your seat your name would be on it, but since I seen imbecile written nowhere near then you must not sit here, and I'm nowhere near a muggle" I say back.

 "I suggest you watch your tone, you don't know what I'm capable of" He gets angrier. "Come sit by me" Griffon states, where is the teacher? "Don't make me say it again" The green eyed boy states. Then teacher then walks in "Mr. Riddle please take a seat" Professor states and he sits next to me clearly pissed. Every question the teacher asked I wrote the answer on my paper, Nobody raised their hands, I could see the riddle boy watching what I was doing.

 "Are you drawing over there?" Professor Dumbledore asks walking over to me, He takes my paper causing everyone to look at me. "You've been answering every question on paper?" He questions and I nod, "I see, Good work, class dismissed" He states handing my paper. I put my things in my bag, then my wrist was grabbed roughly., but the class was empty besides riddle. I flinched then composed myself. "Why were you in my seat!" He shouts angrily. "like I said it wasn't yours" I answer. He grabbed me by my hair throwing me down then leaving. I grab my stuff and continue with my day, even though I had him in every class.

 I took a walk and sat by the lake alone. Someone sat next to me, it was Fin, my brothers and sister are quintuplets. Fin was the only one who was allowed to stay in school since everyone loved him. "It will get easier, we'll be gone by the end of the year" He smiles. "It's dinner time, you can sit at my table" slyth smiles. As we walk down the halls the green eyed boy shoulder checks me, I have had it up to hear with everyone's crap. I calm down and let it go. We get to dinner ad the boy later showed up, "Why is that muggle at our table?" He asks coldly to my brother and sister as she sat on the other side of me.

"She's my sister" Slyth and lythia answer him. "So?" The riddle boy looks angrier. Raven walks over bending down and whispering to us "library, I found information on dad". I pop out the seat taking my bag, slyth and lythia stands and we get the other boys walking to the library. "Alister White, he was only supposed to have four children in each house, but what happened besides us as quintuplet's?" Raven reads.

Next day

I sat in the same seat as yesterday, the boy sat next to me pissed still, he literally kicked me under the table causing me to yelp. Griffon walks over, "somethings wrong with raven" He says, Raven walks in blood shot eyes. Then professor walks in with a man. "White children in the hall please, your father wants to speak to you" Professor states and all 6 of us point our wand in the mans direction. His hands shoot up in defense. "Arms down" Professor states, the boys and lythia look at me and I put my wand away and they do the same. I pick up my book walking, well practically limping over to the man, damn he didn't have to kick full force. "Hi" I smile. "Hi" He smiles big, I go to walk, turn and hit his face with my book. "screw you" I state limping out with my brothers and sister following behind, I had seen Riddle smirk as I walk out. Alister came in the hallway with his face bloodied, Mom was there too "mommy" I hug her. We waited until the class finished and was empty then we went in. "Your father misses you kids" Mom smiles. "I know you kids were searching for me" Dad smiles. "Yeah because I want to shove my hand down your throat and rip your lungs out" Slyth states.

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