"Harry," she mumbled, a giggly tone to her call of his name.

"Shh," he hushed her, nudging his nose against her's to pull her focus back on him. He puckered his lips against her's, feeling the honey sweet warmth spread from their point of contact. She kissed back through her smile.

The shuddering of the camera soundtracked the moment, Harry's new favorite memory printing from the slot. A smile spread across his face as the frame developed, not wasting a second before he brought the photo to life. He never knew he needed to know what (Y/N) looked like when she was being kissed—especially by him—but now he couldn't stop watching.

He knew what it felt like to have her soft lips pressed against his, the small give of his own as they moved against one another. The tangles of his hair that brushed against her skin as they fell when he lent into her, reminding him of the twisting vines that grew along the walls of his home whenever she graced his cottage with her presence. The fluttering of her lashes as she tried to contain her smile against his mouth made him think of the butterflies in his stomach that beat to the tune of her heart. This is what his love for her looked like.

(Y/N) craned her neck to get a look at the clip looping in Harry's hands. "Oh," she cooed, the same smile on her face she got when she thought Harry was being especially sweet, "We look so cute."

Harry quickly turned his head to face her cheek, planting a garden of kisses along the skin. He hummed in agreement to her words, already wanting more and more memories of her to carry around with him.

He drew back from her, his hand by her head keeping him steady as he positioned the camera in front of his eye. "Pose for me?"

(Y/N) only laughed at his words, rolling her eyes playfully. He clicked the camera as fast as he could, the lens capturing her laughs as she tried to roll away from him and cover her face with her hands. He pulled the photos from the slot as soon as they emerged, barely paying attention to them before clicking for another picture of the giggling girl trapped under him.

"Harry, stop!" she laughed, wrapping her fingers around the wrist of the hand holding the camera, "Film is expensive!"

But this moment was priceless to Harry.


After a long, three-day weekend cooped up in (Y/N)'s room, full of quiet giggling over his excessive use of his polaroid and intimate touches when she was able to pull the lens from his hands, Harry was sent home with a pout on his lips and her kiss on his cheek.

He had missed her as soon as he started his trek back up to his cottage, (Y/N) being the sweetest thing waiting for him to round the bend before pulling away. He had his duffle bag pulled over his shoulder with his camera cradled against his chest, all of his photos from the weekend tucked into the pocket of his bag for safe keeping. He couldn't wait to pin them around his home, filling the gaps between the twirling vines that had now made their home on the inside of his cottage. He couldn't wait to see (Y/N)'s face every morning and every night, even when they were apart. Maybe it would make their short separation periods easier on his sensitive heart.

Bonnie greeted him just as he broke into his clearing, his pastel yellow home a bright spot beside his glittering stream. She rubbed along his waist, purrs vibrating from her chest as she chirped to him. He could tell she had missed him, always extra lovey when he had been gone longer than she liked. He gently pat the top of her head, fingers trailing down to the fluff around her neck as she lovingly gazed up at him.

"Hi, lovely," he cooed to her, leaning down just the smallest bit for her to surge up and bump her forehead tenderly against his. He breathed a laugh at her eagerness, maneuvering carefully around her towards the porch of his house. Dandelion was perched happily on the first step, her nose puffing excitedly as he drew closer.

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