A Meeting at His Place

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"All I am saying," Hermes continued, "is maybe you should be a little more careful."

Hades did not hear the last of Hermes' words, for he had sat upright and said, "Hecate, we have an issue."

"I feel it too," Hecate said, and in a blink of any eye, she was gone.

Hermes' gaze drifted across the rest of the bar, and all of the patrons that were still unaware. Slowly, he slid into Hecate's seat, and then he said, "Tartarus?"

Hades only made a slight noise in reply as he focused his attention back on his paperwork.

"You're stressed, then," Hermes said.

"I am stressed for Persephone," Hades said, for he saw no reason to lie.

They sat in silence for a while, and by the time Hecate strode back into the room ten minutes later, Hermes had finished his drink and Hades his paperwork. When Hecate came back to her seat, Hermes got up without a fuss.

"I suppose I should be going back to work, then," Hermes said, his hands behind his head. "Though, I did finish all the tasks I was given already. Maybe I can go home early if Thanatos has nothing else for me. I am an Olympian, after all; I've plenty of stuff to do that isn't babysitting chthonic gods and their not very secret secrets."

"Like stealing my pen?" Hecate held out a hand.

Hermes sighed. After pulling her own from his hoodie pocket, he placed it firmly into his palm, waved goodbye, then left without another word.

Hecate sighed next, and she stole a sip of Hades' pomegranate ambrosia. "You cannot let your control of Tartarus slip."

"I will not let my control of Tartarus slip," Hades said. "I cannot when you are here. I was simply worried about Persephone, that is all."

"Worry a little less about Persephone," Hecate said. "She's an adult. If she trusts Aphrodite not to spill secrets, so should we."

Hades only nodded, and the pair returned to work.


In all fairness, Aphrodite kept to her word and set up a distraction for a later date. Hades had been in his kitchen, boiling water for a hot chocolate, when Persephone called.

"I did not think you would call so soon," Hades said as he held the phone up to his ear. "You were only here a few hours ago."

"Yeah, I know, and I had a great time on our date earlier," she said, and Hades' heart sunk slightly as he expected a but. "But... Mother's gone out for the evening! Aphrodite convinced her to go clubbing. Aphrodite also said they won't be back until late tomorrow morning, so we could do something this evening if you want."

"Oh, I was actually making plans with Hecate. She wanted to watch a new show this evening," Hades said. "Something about a haunted house and some creepy children."

"Oh," Persephone said, and there was a long pause. "Well, would you mind if I watched with you?"

"You would like to watch a horror show?"

"I mean, it's not my usual cup of tea, but if you and Hecate are there to keep me safe, I won't mind!"

Hades smiled slightly. "I am sure Hecate would love you over for the night."

"And what about you?"

"I would love you over for the night too."

"Great!" Persephone said, and she giggled. "Oh, I should call Hermes, though he might be a little annoyed that he has to take me back to the Underworld."

Hades and PersephoneDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora