It had been roughly a week since she returned: roughly a week since they joined the League of Villains. With the tremendous media firestorm around them visible at every turn, Shigaraki had decided to lay low for a while until the attention waned. After all, it would be difficult to do much with the entire country on the lookout for them, though he must have run out of patience as it seemed he was eager to continue with his plans, whatever they were.

"When are we leaving?"

"Just you, actually, and you'll need to head out soon if you want to make it on time."

"Just me?" she furrowed her brows. "How come?"

"Shigaraki formed a new partnership with some yakuza group; apparently their leader asked for you," the Manager hummed, tapping his chin thoughtfully as he leaned back in his seat.

"Isn't that a little... odd?"

"It sure is! They probably want your quirk for some specific purpose- I'm sure we'll find that out soon enough, so in the meantime, let's indulge them a bit."

She glanced down at the desk between them, rubbing her fingers together unconsciously. "Can I ask you something?"

"Of course- what is it?"

"Why did you agree to join the League of Villains?"

The Manager smiled lightheartedly as he tilted his head back, gazing at the ceiling. "Well, our goals are similar enough for now. We can use their numbers and they can use our fame, and besides, I wouldn't say we're joining them exactly; they're just another means to an end."

"What happens when our goals are no longer compatible with theirs?"

"Then we'll go our separate ways."

"I don't think it'll be that easy."

"Probably not. Shigaraki doesn't seem like the type to let people go just like that, especially knowing the kind of trouble we could cause him later on. It might not go as cleanly as we would like, but that's never stopped us before. In the end, we'll do what we have to regardless of who gets in our way, isn't that right?"

Unknown's attention fixated on the desk as she considered his words, and underneath them, his intentions.

"But enough of that! Here's the address of that place you need to get to. You might want to hurry- no good being late!" He smiled as he handed her a small slip of paper with an address scribbled on it.

She nodded, pocketing the note before rising to her feet and moving towards the door.


She paused, one hand on the metal doorknob. She glanced over her shoulder to see a faint grin on the Manager's face.

"Lay low for now. Go along with whatever they ask, and make sure to keep me updated, alright?" his dark eyes smiled at her.

With a nod, she pulled her gaze away from his and slipped out of the room.


By the time Unknown arrived at the destination point, she was puzzled to see it was a rather normal-looking house. She made her way around the front gate, as Shigaraki had left instructions to meet at the side door, and quickly spotted two familiar figures, as well as a third, unfamiliar one.

"Unknown!" Twice waved enthusiastically as she approached the trio. Toga grinned upon noticing her and offered a wave as well. "Now we're all here!" he declared a little too loudly.

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