Chapter 6

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Sam continued on his horse through the forest, looking for any sign of his brother

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Sam continued on his horse through the forest, looking for any sign of his brother. Sam had been gone for hours, and his time was running short, he only had two days. He came upon a small log cabin. He dismounted his horse and stepped onto the porch of the cabin. He tried knocking, but there was no answer.

"Hello?" he called. Still no answer.

He made his over to the stable, looking around, he noticed the icicles on the ground.

"Ice?" said Sam. "In Summer? There's something you don't see every day."

He remounted his horse, looking for any sign of which way his brother went, knowing it was him. He saw a path leading from the cabin, deeper into the forest. It seemed like his only option, so he set off down the path.

"You've almost got it," said Kat. She watched as Colby's eyes turned white and ice shot out in front of him, creating a powerful blizzard around them. He was growing more powerful by the minute.

"You're growing stronger Colby, don't hold back," said Kat encouragingly.

Colby and Kat watched as the blizzard grew stronger at Colby's command. He stopped himself when he felt as if he was about to lose control again, not wanting to go too far. His eyes going back to blue.

"Why did you stop?" asked Katrina.

"I didn't wanna overdue it," replied Colby. "I don't want these powers to corrupt me."

"Yea, we wouldn't want that," continued a voice behind him. "Your ego is already big enough."

Colby and Kat both turned and looked in surprise to see Sam standing in the doorway of the palace.

"Sam, what are you doing here?" asked Colby concerned.

"I came to find you Colby," replied Sam.

"How did you find us?" asked Colby.

"You didn't exactly make the trail hard to find," laughed Sam.

"You shouldn't have come," said Colby. "I could hurt you."

"After what I just saw," started Sam. "I'd say you've got a pretty good grasp on it. Who's she?" He gestured towards Kat.

"I'm Kat," she said extending her hand. Sam shook it happily.

"Kat has been helping me out here," explained Colby. "Wouldn't have made it this far without her."

"Thanks for keeping him out of trouble," said Sam.

"No problem," Kat replied.

"Kat, could you give us a minute?" asked Sam.

"Oh, uh, sure," she replied. She stepped outside, closing the door to the palace behind her.

"This place is pretty awesome," said Sam.

"I know, it's like it was made for me," replied Colby, his eyes beaming. "I feel so alive up here."

Sam dreaded having to take Colby away, seeing how happy this place made him. "Colby, you need to come back," he said.

"What? Why?" asked Colby.

"Your kingdom needs you," said Sam.

"They have you!" replied Colby. "Besides, I'm not so sure they want me back. I'd do anything for them. I wish they could understand that. All I've ever done is think about the good of my people."

"You're their king," said Sam. "You just need to help them understand. You're not a monster, you're just different. I'll help you, just like I always have."

"Sam, I'm happy here, I'm free," explained Colby. "I can use my powers without hurting anyone."

"You promised me that you'd come back," said Sam.

"I will," explained Colby. "I just won't be staying. Things have changed now."

Sam sighed. "You really are happy here, aren't you?" asked Sam.

"I am," replied Colby, "but that doesn't mean I'm not happy to see you."

Sam smiled. "I saw what you did," started Sam. "That was pretty awesome."

"I feel myself getting stronger," explained Colby. "I'm so close to figuring this out."

"If this is really what you want, I won't stand in your way." said Sam. "I could stay here with you."

"Don't be ridiculous," said Colby. "Our people need a king, and I know you'll lead them well."

"Uncle Elton told me to take care of you," said Sam, "and I think the best way for me to do to let you stay." Sam had tears forming in his eyes.

"Please don't be sad," said Colby.

"I'm not, I'm happy for you," said Sam. "I'm just gonna miss you is all."

"You're amazing; you know that?" said Colby.

"You might've mentioned it a few times," laughed Sam, wiping his tears. Colby hugged his brother tightly.

"I love you Colbs," Sam said

"I love you too," replied Colby. "Never forget that."

Sam pulled away. "Don't be a stranger," said Sam.

"Never," said Colby.

"Promise me you'll visit?" asked Sam.

"Every day," said Colby, lifting his brothers chin.

Colby escorted Sam outside and watched as he mounted his horse. Sam turned to give his brother a smile, before riding off.

"I'll make you proud!" shouted Sam.

"You always have!" Colby shouted back.

Sam took off down the path, back towards their kingdom, and Colby watched him go, pride evident in his eyes. 

***ICEBOUND***जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें