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Deku POV
I woke up and went to get Breakfast and see everyone angry at me,

Deku: I-is there something on my face
Uraraka: yeah the look of traitor
Deku: ... What!?
Iida: Shutup Traitor everyone get him

They all started beating me one by one the only ones who didn't were mina,mineta,tsuyu,denki,and kirishima.

Aizawa:stop you idiots that's enough!
Nezu: Mr.Miydoriya you are under arrest for stealing UA files
Izuku: I didn't do that

Nezu plays a tape of me in my hero suit stealing the files

Izuku:that's not me guys please believe me

Aizawa puts me in hand cuffs and takes me out and then my life is utterly shattered by these words

All Night: I'm taking back whats mine your no hero and never will be

He takes OFA back and completely broken sensei puts me in a car and takes me to the tartous

Guard: we get paid more if we beat the mess out you kid
Guard2: we all do so get ready for hell villain

For weeks on end I was abused mentally and physically they would put me down and beat me senseless

I was training in the yard until one of the guys tries to shank me out of no where I pull out a revolver the guards see me and they beat me till I was knocked out

*time skip no justu 5 months*

It was the 5th month I woke up and got my daily beating at this point it didn't hurt i have had a huge growthsbert

Then my guards say I have a visitor
Its Nezu and all night

Nezu: Hello Mr.Midoriya my have you grown
Izuku: Hello Nezu to what do I owe the unpleasant visit
Nezu:well we found out your innocent  a girl named toga transformered into you and stole our files so were here to take you back
Izuku: on three conditions
Nezu: Deal what are they
Izuku: extra space for eri, sound proof my room and hers, and lastly I want to change my hero name and costume
Nezu: seems fair welcome back
All might: young izuku i hope you will take ofa again I'm sor-
Izuku: dont need it
All might and Nezu: what!?
Izuku:youll see

*time skip justu at ua*

Everyone is enjoying themselves and talking about whos the new student


they all shut up

Aizawa:come in now problem child
Izuku:hey guys miss me
Aizawa: he was proven innocent
Izuku:those who believed in me stand

Mina,mineta,tsuyu,denki,and kirishima stand

Izuku:the pervert has more brains then you guys
Aizawa: ok everyone training field 1v1s against izuku to catch him up

*they all get out side*

Every girl in their is flustered out of their minds especially mina

Kirishima: Midoribro you got jacked Mineta: bro train me Denki: brooooo

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Kirishima: Midoribro you got jacked
Mineta: bro train me
Denki: brooooo

Aizawa: problem child your shirt
Izuku: don't fit
Aizawa:so be it

Izuku puts on genji's amour

Class1a: NANI?!?!
Izuku: this is my true quirk

*pretend that izuku is gengi and hanzo is bakugo and instead of arrows its explosions and hanzos dragons are howitzer impact*

Aizawa:Izuku wins
Izuku:Whos next

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