Love Alone is Not Enough

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“I’m sorry!”

Tiffany blinks at the apology. What does Yuri do? Does she forget to bring Tiffany’s assignment that she borrows again? (Tiffany doesn’t remember lend her anything and even if she does she can use that for another blackmail). Or is she hiding another fake bugs in her apartment? (Now that’s bad. She really needs to check her place, but checking mean she’s going to find them sooner. Now what she's supposed to do?)

“For leaving you alone with Jessica last night. I should know better. I’m sorry!”

Tiffany blinks again. “Jessi- who?”

“Jessica, the bartender we met last night”

“I think her name is Sica”

“Sica is what everybody call her. Her full name is Jessica. Seriously, you don’t even know that? You slept with her last night, right?”

Tiffany chokes at her cola when she hears that. How can Yuri say that so easily? After her coughs subside (and a small “thank you” to Yuri for gives her tissue), she replies, “Wha..what? How?”

Yuri rolls her eyes and says, “I know Sica. I know how she is. So you really slept with her, right?”

Tiffany decides to not answer that. “Are you close her with her?”

“Well, we’re… friends, I guess. Nearly friends maybe more appropriate words. I one of the regular at that club and she works there, so we talk. I will take your lack of answer as yes, by the way. Don’t think you can get away from me.”

Tiffany sighs as she leans back at her chair. They’re at university cafeteria right now, just enjoying lunch until Yuri brings that up.

“I honestly thought you wouldn’t fall so easily, seeing how you are with your boyfriend but it seems I’m wrong.”

“It just one night stand, Yuri. We promise we’ll act casual next time we meet and what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him anyway.”

“That kind of attitude is what make him tired of you, you know.” Ouch, that hurts. “Sometimes I wonder why you two still together and don’t worry, I know you and Sica can be just fine. Not the first time she did something like that anyway”

“There’s something call love and she does that on daily basis?”

“Sometimes love alone is not enough.” Another blow. Is she doing that on purpose? “I won’t say daily basis”, Yuri continues, “But yeah, she does that often. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to bad mouth her. Sica’s not a bad person, but I won’t call her good either.” 

Tiffany begins to open her mouth, ready to talk more, until something - or someone - catches her eyes. Her boyfriend just enters the cafeteria and he sees her right away. He gives her a small smile, one that she doesn’t return. Yuri must notice her change of expression because she turns to look at the source of her discomfort.

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