° Leavings. (Levi x Reader)

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tbh this levi reminds me more of the 'A Slap on Titan' version of levi, which I love. if you haven't watched it, you should

The heels of my boots clicked lightly on the cobblestone floor, leading me to the office I had come to know so well.
After the death of Commander Hanji, Levi took place, and I was promoted to Captain.

This left me with hours, no, days, of paperwork. How my lover did this before me, I do not know.
Making my way through the wooden door, I was met with said lover. Levi sat in the sofa that rested below my window, sipping on a cup of black tea and reading a book, with his legs crossed of course. Paying no mind to the man whom had made a living on my sofa, I smacked the thick stack of papers down. Then, leading over, I sat hastily into my seat.

Levi didn't look at me until my elbows were on the desk, and my hands rubbing my face. This annoyed me.
While being Captain gave me rule, it also gave me plenty of work. Not only am I responsible for an entire set of children, I am also responsible for the paper work after every mission we take; or experiment we do.

His eyes traveled over as his lips parted, "What's wrong?" He questioned, oblivious to the paper work that was nearly a foot away from me. I looked up to him, trying to jerk a small smile and gather my dignity.

Levi sat up and looked questionably at me.
"I'm just stressed." I say, rubbing my left temple softly.
After the deaths of both resting commanders, who gave their lives for the sake of humanity, everything had been wild. I had to cover that, write out new missions, and then still worry. Worry that my lover would die just as both commanders had.

"Would you like to play a game I heard the kids playing earlier?" He asked, sitting the porcelain tea cup down on my table. I raised and eyebrow and he scoffed.
"Apparently it's called '20 questions', but I think I just want to ask you questions to get your mind away from this." He said, leaning back into the seat.
Levi and I had only been dating for a couple of weeks now; I trusted him completely, not only as a lover, but as a leader. He had been perfect, and our personalities fit like gloves.

I didn't need attention like crazy, and I didn't give it like crazy. He didn't give or receive well either, so it made us perfect. Although, we both enjoyed quality time, like this.
"Go for it." I pushed away the idea of doing paper work for now, seemingly not bothering my commander.

"Are you a virgin?" He asked, pretending it wasn't a weird question. I was shocked the first question was so bold, but nodded.
"Yes." He cracked a smirk.

"Okay. Have you ever imagined having sex?" His questions seemed more lewd than practical, giving me the idea he was surely intending for me to understand.
"Well, I'm human, aren't I?" My response left much to the imagination as he made a 'wondering', or 'thinking' face. Then, he parted his lips once more.

"Have you ever imagined sex with me?"
This one took my off guard as I choked on the breath I had been unknowingly holding. He watched in curiosity as a soft redness spread across my cheeks.
"A-again, I'm only human.." I said, a little recoil in my voice from the embarrassing question.
Levi knew this was getting to me, as he stood up and walked near me, leaning down to hold my hand.

He then snaked his own up my arm. He had never been this bold before, I'm not sure what had gotten into him.
I watched as his hand found my jaw line, then soon, his lips.
He gently kissed all the way down and to my mouth, where he hovered.

His breath was hot when our lips crashed together, the kiss deepening by the second. I could feel his need, he had never done this before. He could barely look at me after I kissed him the first time.
The left hand stayed around my jaw as his right swerved around to my breast, gently massaging it, causing a breathy moan to escape my mouth and into his.

This continued until a large knock pounded on my door, causing Levi to pull away.
Quickly I gathered myself, "Come in."

Through the door way came Eren Jaeger. That rat bastard kid. He looked at both of us and watched Levi's smug face, travelling to my own, which had been red.
He saluted, then, "Captain (F/N), please excuse my intrusion. Levi is needed in the mess hall!" He spoke out, standing tall. I smiled and looked over to Levi, who rolled his eyes.

"He will be there accordingly. You are dismissed." I said, watching the young boy take his leave.
When the door shut, Levi came over to me once more. He flushed me with kisses, leaving marks on my neck in his wake. Then, politely excusing himself, went to the mess hall. I really hope he doesn't drink with those kids again.

Levi Ackerman Oneshots (Levi x Reader) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now