"Kids, come down to see what Stanly found!" Dad called for us. We whipped away our tears. And went the stairs. The Stanly didnt find a thing but found Robbie and Wendy. Oh God, I thought they died. "Your alive!" Pacifica cried as she dove into their arms. "I thought you died". Tears were raining down her cheeks. Robbie and Wendy patted her back and head.

"Now come on you four. Let us go down  to the lab". We walked down to the lab. Down in the lab was Mcgucket, Soos and Ford. "Now that we have all the keys expect for two. We can go ahead with our plan" Mcgucket stated. He explain to us that everyone here represented a symbol on Wills circle. If we form a circle or put in our symbolic items into the machine we can stop the apocalypse. We nodded to him.

The best options was the items. But we had gather them. Mine was easy. It was a pentgram. I fished out my old cap and gave it to Mcgucket. Pacifica was her stuff llama. Mcgucket put in his old broken glasses. Soos took off his shirt and put in the machine.

Wendy had to be hooked up with the machine to gather peice of her cool personality. Since her symbol is ice. Robbie pulled out a necklace. "It use to belong to my grandmother before she passed" Robbie spoke. That is sad. Pacifica and Wendy rubbed his back. Fords hand was copied and programmed into the machine.

Now the tricky part. We need Fords old
Fez hat, dippers pine earrings, and Mabels childhood rainbow sweater. We need to sneak into the Pine mansion. It was decided that Wendy, Robbie, Me and Pacifica will go get the items.

Heading to the mansion was tricky and dangerous. We were attack by a group of demons. Bit by a gnomes. Chased by a giant snake. I lost my shoe. We arrived at the mansion. We snuck in. Wendy fetched Stanley's Fez hat from the family safe. We found Dippers earring in his music box.

Then Mabels sweater took a bit to find. We found in a box of old sweaters in the attic. Inside the box we found scrape book. The book was filled with pictures of Dipper and mabel. They looked happy. Mabel looked like a sweetheart. What happened to her?

The way back was just as dragous. One of the monsters that atteck us ate Robbies arm. We had to rush to the house.  Ford and Mcgucket worked to stop the bleeding. They made him a metal arm. They took him to my room to rest. The last three items were put into the machine. Time to kill a bitch.

The townspeople that Stan twins saved. Were lead into the lab. Mcgucket used what was left of the Unicorn hair to form barrier around the lab and the people. If the first barrier went down. The second barrier would keep them safe.

The house was the machine to break into the palace. The house turned into a giant robot. We raced to the palace. The house was basically a transformer. We took down many monster and demons on our path to the palace. With one punch we broke a hole to able sneak in.

Me, Soos, Wendy and Pacifica will go in. The others will stay in the house to fight off the demons on the outside. We sneaked in. We made it all the way to the throne room. Without being stopped or atteck by any demon. I am getting a bad feeling about this.

In the throne room was Mabel and Dipper in her lap. Dipper eyes were soulless. What did she do to Dipper? The moment we took step forward. We were attecked by demons. And tied up. Mabel was smiling. She was patting Dippers thigh. "Welcome to my castle, darlings".

Mabels P.O.V
I looked at the fools. They looked delicious tied up. Especially that little pig. But I don't a pig when I have a princess. "Since you are here. You can be good and watch me breed my baby boy". That got a reaction out of Wendy. She snarling and struggling in her chains.

I just smiled at her. With a snap of my finger. Wendy started to hack up blood. "Now be good. Or the punishment will be worse". Wendy nodded at me. I turn back to my baby. He was so cute in his concubine dress. I moved the weak fabric to get to his nipples. They are pink and perky. I brought my mouth to them. Thanks to Will. If I was ever thirsty or horny. The nipples will produce milk for me. I gulped down gallon of milk from my baby. He was squirming in my lap. I spanked him harshly. I gulped down more milk. I could smell his slick. He was so wet. To the point he was soaking my pants.

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