Broken Promises

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Inspired by freakshow by apricxtfalls
It's also on Wattpad!
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Promises are a precious thing. One broken could crush a person.

So why did you make one? Three

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Ten years ago, the day we met. It was an accident. Your back and white hair, so noticeable in the crowd. You caught me and a girl, my best friend Astelic, in an act. One that could have ended our life. But you showed yourself, promising you'd keep us safe, promising a better life. Did you?

You weren't wrong. We lived better, we learned from you, you taught us what you knew. Our friendship grew more and more. Maybe it shouldn't have

Couple years later, another accident. We met Sammy. Remember how he tried to kill you? The sunglassed boy introduced us to his friend, Deo. Was it a mistake to invite them?

A year later, accident, again. This one broke us. Astelic went missing. We spend so much time searching, no result. You broke your first promise, you didn't keep her safe. You lied to me

We formed a team, NOLIFE. We promised to stick together, promised to keep each other safe. I hoped you could keep them, unlike last time. I had too high expectations

You kept it for five years, five years of happiness together, five years of no harm, no sadness, no broken hearts. Life was so great then

Until Techno came, he gave us a purpose, a goal. To beat him. We got his attention, broke his record, but the one thing we didn't do was our goal, beat him. We fought, me and Sammy, we battled Techno, and won. Almost, the authority came right before the final blow. One that would have assured death, the fatal blow. We were so close

They jailed us, you failed again. You broke the promise of security, the promise that we'd stick together. Stop lying to me

You tried though, you tried to get it back, you went after him. You lost control of your powers again, the thing that broke the first promise, the thing that let Astelic go missing. You tried way to hard

You ended up in jail with us, abandoning Deo. Typical, breaking one promise to try to save another. Deo was our family

Deo was left alone, he went insane, he got harmed. Eventually he got caught too. It was all your fault

I suppose your promise stayed, we are all together again, in jail this time. Life was so hard

Break one to get another. Lying to one for the happiness of another

You promised me a better life, one that was infinitely better than my last one. Why did you promise?

Was it though? Was sacrificing Astelic - my first best friend, the one that's stood up since kindergarten - worth it? Worth the five years of happiness and peace with NOLIFE? One soul for another's

I don't think so. Yes. It was worth it.

Was it all an accident? A freak accident

Yes. You know it's not

You tell me, Eighty. Tell me. Was it worth it? All the pain and suffering?

We will get out, Purpled. This is my last promise, one I won't break, I swear on my life. I will give my all to make you happy. To make NOLIFE happy.

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Im going to try to write more since I have so much free time

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