#1 Is that an offer?

Start from the beginning

"I'd rather you didn't actually," He snorted. Your head snapped up to look at him.

"Oh, don't lie Rem, we both know that's a lie," You winked, and you watched him fumble over the pages of his book slightly.

"Somehow I don't think I'm lying when I say, McGonagall would not be pleased if you screwed my homework," He smirked. "Did you at least do the reading?"

"I did!" He looked at you, unconvinced. "Well, I tried to." After a beat of silence, you scrunched up your face. "Well, I tried to want to?" You said, cracking an eye open to catch his reaction and to your surprise, he didn't wear his normal look of 'disappointed but not surprised', but rather a fond smile.

"Is it wishful thinking to ask you to read it now?" He sighed.

"Completely. The fact that you even dare to try and attempt to get me to study... Merlin, NEWTs are so annoying," You groaned again. He rolled his eyes and leaned back against the tree trunk.

"Yes, Y/N. I didn't think you'd be so shocked. We had OWLs two years ago, did you not study then?"

"The only way I would've studied back then was if I was held at wand point." Remus huffed, sitting up straight.

"And despite that, you managed to get an O for pretty much everything, didn't you?" He asked at little stiffly.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, which is never, may I add," He looked as if he were about to argue back but you held up a finger, "But are you, the great self-proclaimed nerd that is Remus John Lupin, jealous of me?" You mused, grinning widely as you watched his face colour under the light from the stars.

"You wish. Need I remind you that I got an O in everything?" He tried weakly, cringing because even he knew how lame that sounded.

You sat up and inched closer to him. "I see. You're jealous because I didn't need to study. I suppose I would be jealous too, I mean, smart, funny and basically sculpted by God himself," You rambled, enjoying yourself a tad too much as he scowled. He wasn't fooling you though, you could see the smile fighting its way onto his lips.

"Who said anything about good looking?" You smirked, he had just played right into your hands.

"So you're telling me, that you don't even think I'm the slightest bit good looking?"

He nodded half-heartedly, and you took it as an opportunity to scoot closer. You heard him hold his breath.

"Not even a little bit?"

Your voice lowered to a whisper and your breath fanned his face. Remus thought he was going to pass out.

"Not even a little bit," He said, but the look on your face made it seem as if he just confessed his love to you. You chuckled and moved back. Remus felt like he could finally breathe normally again, but his heartbeat was still ringing in his ears.

"That told me everything I needed to know."

"Care to enlighten me?" He challenged you.

"Just a gut feeling," You told him.

Maybe it was the cocky look you wore, maybe he had grown tired of pretending. Either way, Remus was the one who scooted closer this time.

"Oh yeah? Tell me what you know then."

Your eyes widened as he sat close to you, your shoulders and knees touching. Your mouth opened in surprise and you quickly closed it, shaking your head slightly and letting out a breathy laugh that almost gave you away. And in a way, it did. You debated on just telling him then and there, but as he looked at you with his honey eyes and golden hair, you decided it could wait a little longer. It was a shame that you didn't know how much he wanted to hear it.

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