=The Purple Piano Project=

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"All the happiness in this moment - captured."


I walked down the halls of McKinley High. Alone. I didn't know anyone here and to be honest, it's a little frightening being the new kid at school. I had no idea how I was going to make friends, but one thing I did know was that I was going to join the Glee club. They went to Nationals last year..in New York! How cool is that?

As I walked through the corridors on my way to my first lesson, I saw a boy with an afro interviewing a group of people. I overheard snippets of their conversations, the afro kid asked questions like 'what are your plans after high school?' and 'what do you want to be when you grow up?' but he also made vague comments about the glee club. 

I walked straight to where the lady at the reception said my locker was and put my backpack in it after taking out the books I needed for my first few lessons. I has asked the lady who told me where my locker is when and where Glee practice was and had made a plan to go there and ask to join. All I had to do was get through today, and tomorrow I could properly start my life here at McKinley.


When lunchtime, the next day finally arrived, I ate quickly and then made a beeline straight for the choir room. When I had arrived a group of men were pushing a few purple pianos into the room. I waited for them to enter, and listened in on the conversation they were having. The ' Purple Piano Project' was a way for them to get new members, luckily for them - there was one right her. Hopefully.

I knocked on the door gently and all eyes focused on me. Butterflies began to flutter in my stomach as the Glee club leader - Mr. Schuester, I believe his name was - smiled warmly at me and waved. I cleared my throat shyly and stepped further into the room.

"Is this the - uh - Glee Club?" I asked nervously. Mr. Schuester turned properly to face me and nodded his head.

"It is. What can we do for you?" He asked kindly. I pulled the sleeves of my shirt further down and balled the fabric up in my hands - a nervous habit of mine, and smiled as confidently as I could.

"I was wondering if I could join. I'm new here and I absolutely love to sing, I'm not sure if I'm any good but I would really love to join." I said, taking a deep breath.

"Absolutely!" Mr. Schuester said happily. "We needed some new members. What's your name?" 

"Oh, Kara - Kara Riley." I said, risking a glance at the group of students that watched me. They all looked at me with encouraging smiles and the bundle of nerves in my stomach settled down a bit.

"Do you mind performing a song for us Kara? So we can see your talent." He asked politely. I nodded silently and headed towards one of the purple pianos. I gestured towards the piano and looked up at Mr. Schuester.

"May I?"

"Of course, of course." He said moving out of the way. I sat down at the piano, releasing my sleeves from my grasp and place my books on the top of it. I slipped a piece of paper out of my folder quickly before placing the folder back with my books. I cleared my throat and place my hands on the keys. This was it, the moment I had been waiting for. 

[Screw Loose from Crybaby (sung by Kara)]

Once I finished the song I took a deep breath. I turned around in my seat to face the Glee club and they all sat there, slack-jawed and stunned.

"Wow, Kara. I think I speak for all of us when I say, we would be glad to have you in Glee Club." Mr. Schuester said, snapping everyone out of their 'trances'. 

Teenage Dream (Blaine Anderson - Glee)Where stories live. Discover now