The Hike

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It was a snowy day , to be honest it wasn't that snowy but it was snowing. Ben's dad asked him if he would like to go on a walk the next day?When Ben asked "why?" His dad replied that "Hunting deers in snow is very fun and it'll give u a new experience."
The next morning he and his dad packed their supplies and went out to the mountains. The sky was a bit cloudy but the rest of the weather was nice it was a slight below -4 that day and the snow held up really good. "How long do we have to hike" asked Ben with a tired face "Just 3 kilos more and we'll be there" said Illumi with joyful face. After a while they reached the hunting grounds and it was quite nice back there. Then Ben and illumi set up their tents in the safe area and camped down the next morning they'll start hunting. When they woke up the sky was shining bright,The snow went off and they were energized. After a quick breakfast they started their hunt
They walked for a bit and sat down on a ledge where they can see the whole valley. A small buck was crossing the valley and let's say that it was the last walk of that Buck. Bang  went the gun and the lifeless body of a buck  with a puddle of blood was discovered shirt after. "Good shot" said Illumi with a smirk. "I can shoot better than this" said Ben with a proud face. As they were trying to get the buck to their camp they heard some leaves crunch
. Both of them quickly picked up their rifles and pointed towards the bush
They waited for the possible "Predator" to jump out but instead a puff of flame came out of the bush. Ben looked to his right and saw Illumi lying down. He quickly tended to his needs . He checked the body and found a hole in Illumi's torso. He quickly picked illumi up and started running towards their camp. No time to look for the killer,No time to look back at their hunt. The only thought that was rumbling on his head was the puff of flame and illumi. He walked for over 1 hour and reached their camp. He quickly flipped his dad over and started to patch up the hole but something wasn't right. He checked Illumi's pulse and he stepped back. No matter how much of a fossil you are you'll never be able to withstand the shock of your father's death.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2020 ⏰

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