Spending Time Till Times Up

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"So what are we doing first?" He asked helping me off the ground under the tree.

"Well we have a lot of movies here you probably don't." I thought about it trying to think of things we have here that he doesn't in his world, or things that he would be interested in doing. "Are you fine with doing whatever?" I asked curious of his extents.

"That's fine." He replied looking at me. "What do you have in mind?"

"Well we could both do something we want, then we'll see how much time we have left. I want to make cookies with you, what do you want to do?" I asked smiling at him, it was really a dream come true. For years I had imagined different scenarios of what would happen if fictional characters were real, but now that ones standing in front of me I have to remember they're a real person with real emotions. They're not a toy to be played with, I can't just dump my emotions on him and expect him to feel the same.

"I want to take a nap." He responded yawning. I laughed at his words.

"If that's really what you want to do. We should start walking back to my car though, it's a few blocks away because con parking sucks." I grabbed his hand and started leading the way back to the parking lot where I was parked.

"Is everyone in this world so touchy feely?" He asked referring to the hand holding.

"You'd be surprised, we're all a bunch of touch starved animals!" I giggled at how sad but true my words were.

"I'm not sure what you mean by that." He came clean pulling me back so I wouldn't walk into traffic.

"Oops, thanks for stopping me! I could have just died, I wasn't really paying attention." I scratched the back of my neck embarrassed.

"I'm a hero, it's what I do." He smiled slightly at me, my heart melted at his smile and I nearly fainted from joy.

"Speaking of being a hero and doing things, what was the villain you were fighting like? I think if I could figure out enough about him I could help you get back to your world!" I smiled at him widely. I couldn't help but be happy and smile every time I looked at him, it was a confirmation he was really here.

"He had red circles under his eyes and white hair, he was a shitty fighter but somehow sent me here." He responded curtly pulling me across the crosswalk.

"Well I might need some more information but it's fine for now, let's just focus on having fun while you're here." We finally made it to my car and I unlocked the doors, Aizawa quickly cut me off and opened my door for me. "Thank you!" I blushed at his actions as I got into the car.

As he was walking around the car I climbed over and opened the door for him. "Thanks." He thanked me which earned him a smile and a thumbs up.


"Welcome to my humble home!" I said opening the door to my apartment. "It might not be much but it's mine."

I placed my things on the table and walked into my room leaving Aizawa at the door. "What do you want to do first?!" I called out to him still in my room. "Do you want to make cookies or take a nap first!"

"Let's make cookies first." He walked into my room answering me. I looked to him then back to my dirty room. Bolting at him with lightning speed I push him and myself out of the room closing the door behind me.

We ended up on the floor me on top of him. "Walking into peoples room without permission is a big no no in this world!" I scolded him looking him in the eyes.

"But tackling them to the floor and staying on top of them is fine?" He asked confused.

I blushed furiously. "O-Of course! It's the punishment for walking into someone's room without their permission!" I quickly got off of him cursing myself for stuttering.

A Day In Your World 【Aizawa x reader】Where stories live. Discover now