Watch where you're going!

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The leaves already started turning into thousand shades of orange when they arrived. The moving trucks seems so out of place in this quiet, little street. Some workers from the moving company were eagerly carrying the boxes into the old building where they and their roommates would live. They've actually never met their roommates before, just texted them and occasionally phoned, so this was going to be exiting. But none of them had arrived yet, so they were completely on their own for now.
They couldn't even enter the apartment yet, as one of their roommates was supposed to bring the keys, so they decided to look a little at the environmental around their old building.

The sidewalks were decorated with yellow turning plants, some leaves already fallen to the ground and onto occasional bench. Some cars were parking at the side of the road, their mirrors shining in the sun as the young person passed them. The smell of humid weather and rain hovering in the air.
They didn't really know if this peaceful seeming place was really right for them.
It was quite different from Romania, the place where they were born.
Walking through the streets without sensing any threat.

They already reached a crossroad, facing the very center of the small town.
They know that their university was located there, but besides that they had no clue.
So they waited until no car was passing anymore and then quickly crossed the street.
The center was a little more busy.
People with shopping bags, old gossiping people and annoying screeching little shits were hurrying across the place without any calm, hoping to escape the upcoming rain.

To be fair there weren't too many shops.
A small grocery store, a bakery, a hairdresser, an ice cream parlour and a coffee shop.
The university was right behind all of this, placed on a little hill.

They decided that it was the best option to go into the coffee shop, as it was already getting colder.

It smelled heavenly when they entered the warm building.
The seats were covered in deep brown leather, the tables in front of them were made out of light smooth wood. Everything about this building was way too comfortable, they found it almost disgusting.

At least that feeling left them when someone bumped into them and spilled hot coffee onto their jacket.
"HEY WHAT THE-" was all they could get out before the young man started apologizing.
"I'm so so sorry I wasn't paying attention!"

"Well watch where you're going idiot"
When they looked up from their stained jacket they were sure their heart skipped a beat.
Right in front of them stood a guy, just some inches taller with worrying blue eyes staring directly at them.
"Are you okay" the guy asked hesitantly, probably scared they would scream at him.
Still pissed they eyed him:"Yeah, no it's fine....don't you want to clean that up" pointing to the mess at the floor.
He was wearing a apron with the name of the coffee shop on it, so they just guessed he was part of the staff.

"Oh yeah I'm so sorry." he apologized again and started cleaning up.
Meanwhile, they walked away from him to the counter for what they actually came here: coffee

Nobody seemed to be serving right now so they just leaned on the counter, eyeing their surroundings. Most of the tables were free, only one middle aged woman read in a corner space next to a fake fireplace. She didn't seem to have noticed any of the noise.

Just a minute later somebody tapped on their shoulder to get their attention.
Happily they turned around, just to notice it was the guy from before.
He seemed to be the only one serving today.

"Uhm hello?" He waved his hand before their face. After snapping back into present the quickly smiled and turned to him "Yeah?"

"Could I please take your order and have you name?" he asked politely.
"Oh yeah uhm sure. I'll have a vanilla cappuccino extra sweet."
"And for who if I'm allowed to ask?"

"For Keyh, please."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2020 ⏰

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