Asami ran her fingers across Korra's body, with the shower outlet on her other hand. The water spread acrosss Korra's body, making her glow.

The avatar sat there, letting Asami do all the work. From cleaning her body to her hair.

"Hey Asami.." muttered Korra. "Why don't you shower with me too? I feel lonely."

"Huh?" squealed Asami.

Korra looked away. "I'm sorry, that's probably too much to ask for."

Asami's fingers played with Korra's dark brown
hair. "No, no. It's just that... I'm already ready and showered! Next time we can shower together."

"Okay then. In that case, I'll be waiting." said Korra.

When the finished, Asami helped Korra dry and put clothes on. It was less awkward than before, and Korra trusted Asami a lot.

Now it was time for their walk.

When they left the room, they saw everyone. All of them waved at Korra and Asami, some even wanted to go up to her but Asami insisted that they should after their walk.

The walk around the temple, which was huge.

Asami felt Korra shiver a little and then she realised that the girl was only wearing a tank top. Without even thinking, the heiress took of her jacket and put it on Korra.

Korra was slightly shocked. "Your going to be cold."

"I'm wearing a sweater underneath don't worry about me." said Asami.

The two walked around in silence but it was something that Korra needed. The cool breeze would brush past her face from time to time, but she was freezing like before, thanks to Asami.

They reached the shores, and Asami decided to take a break from the walking. And let Korra appreciate the sea.

The heiress started a conversation. "It's beautiful right."

"Yeah." whispered Korra.

"Reminds me of your eyes." said Asami. "They are so beautiful."

"T-Thank you.." stuttered Korra who wasn't expecting that compliment.

The avatar would always be told things like she's so strong, she has a muscly figure etc, but barely anyone told her she had beautiful eyes or even she was pretty.

"Korra. Your so beautiful." blurted Asami.

Korra felt something but she couldn't make out what it was. "Thank you.. but why did you randomly tell me?"

"I just want to remind you that your beautiful, that's all." shrugged Asami.

"Your pretty." said Korra.

Asami smiled fondly. "Thank you!"

They had a nice walk, but sadly it was time to return. It was around winter time, meaning the days were shorter and the nights were longer.

Walking back in the temple, they head loud cheers coming from the main room.

When they went in, they saw everyone sitting around, wearing hats and having different types of foods.

"What's going on?" asked Asami.

"Jinora is getting her tattoos tomorrow! Can you be my date?" smiled Meelo.

Asami shook her head. "No Meelo I can't."

"Why not?" pouted Meelo.

"Because I'll be with Korra for the whole day." said Asami.

"You can go with-"

Asami cut off Korra before she finished her sentence. "Sorry Meelo."

He walked away sulking. Head hung low, he dragged his feet across the room.

Asami went to Jinora (with Korra) "Congratulations."

"Thank you." said Jinora who had a icing on her nose.

"Congrats." whispered Korra.

Jinora smiled at the Avatar. "Thank you Korra!"

The pre-party was a blast. Everyone was so lively, and had a great time. They ate a variety of foods, even fire nations dishes. Many traditional games were being played, and some were even being introduced.

Asami enjoyed it a little, but she was sad. Sad that Korra couldn't enjoy as much as everyone else. But even sadder that Korra wasn't with her at the moment.

Kya said she needed to borrow Korra for a healing process, since she would need one each week. Tonraq went with her since he wanted to see his daughters progress.

The three water benders went to another room and locked it; incase someone would accidentally stumble across it and open it.

Korra insisted she had private lessons. She felt like she would be a failure if people looked down at her as if she was weak. But in all honesty, she was weak at that moment. And deep down, she knew that but she didn't want to admit it.

"Alright Korra. I've done all the physical healing I can for right now." said Kya. "Now it's for the mental healing. How do you feel these days? Do you have someone to talk to you?"

"Thank you for the healing." said Korra blatantly. She didn't have the energy to respond to the questions.

Lately she has been feeling fatigue. She was once told that she overworks her body, which is a terrible thing.

But she was daft, and whatever went through one ear, came out the other. So she believed that if she overworks her body, she will get more powerful and strong.

She returned to her room with the help of Kya. It was silent walk, since Korra wouldn't answer any questions.

She was sitting in bed, waiting for Asami. But after time gradually passed, she started to feel tired.

So she closed her eyes softly. While she was half conscious, she felt arms wrap around her waist. She smiled since she smelt Asami's signature Jasmine perfume.

When she was sure that Asami was with her, she closed her eyes for good, letting her drift of to dreamland.

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