Chapter 2

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Well, something was definitely happening today.

Not only were the people at school riled up, but the ghosts were, too. The group who were normally sitting and gossiping were up and running about. The horseplayers were also running, but more tamely and with a destination. Ghosts were swarming the school. Flying in and out, whether through the windows, or through the walls. Some were trying to talk to the kids, to absolutely no avail.

Then I remembered--Halloween was coming. Everyone was probably planning for the decorations and the Ghost Nights. Why we still have the stupid traditions of pretending to talk to ghosts, I have no idea. And since I could actually see the ghost messing around, I knew that they were just messing around.Since Mansfield was considered one of the most haunted places in the US, everyone made sure to make a big deal of it. The last halloween event I went to, the ghosts were rating people's costumes like some sort of competition, and some of their comments were pretty funny.

I don't go to those events anymore.

Halloween also marked the three nights the dreams are the worst. Before, during, and after halloween, I sleepwalk, scream, destroy half my room, and wake up confused as to why the house looks like a tornado blew through it. So I just don't sleep for a little over 36 hours.

Making my way into the school, I felt just as invisible as the ghosts around me. I set my stuff down in my first class and waited for the bell.


I practically leaped out of my seat. No one ever calls me out in school.


Tyler, the boy who sat behind me in class, walked up to my desk. "You get the email?"

"W-what email?"

Tyler looked at me as if I was the dumbest being on earth. "The email about the decorating teams."

"No, I-I didn't," Jeez, I was stuttering like a mess. No one really had talked to me since first grade. I didn't know how to handle it.. Especially some random guy who sat behind me due to assigned seats.

"We're in charge of setting up the fake gravestones in the back--c'mon," Tyler said.

He was completely monotone as the ravenette grabbed my wrist and dragged me out the back where others were running around. He dragged me over to who I presumed was the rest of the group.

Of course it was them. The two cheeriest kids in the school, Syrum and Aubrey. Syrum's golden- brown hair had leaves sticking out everywhere. Aubrey was the smarter of the two, and immediately spotted me and Tyler. "Ty-Ty," she called out, "Syrum is stuck in a bush and I can't get him out!"

Ty-Ty?, I thought. He doesn't seem to be a person that would hang around the two of them. And how the heck can you get stuck in a bush that's significantly smaller than you?

Tyler then made the most disgusted face at the red head that I have ever seen. "One, NEVER call me Ty-Ty. Two, how the actual..." he started ranting.I'd repeat what I heard, but honestly, no ten year old should have known about the things he said.

"Oh, yeah." he looked at me. "I found our other groupmate."

Aubrey's blue eyes lit up. "Alright! Another girl! I'm Aubrey, and you?"

"K-Keres," I murmured, still overwhelmed by the fact that people were talking to me.

"Yeah, that's nice." Syrum's voice echoed from the bushes. "Now could you guys help me out here? I think some type of animal made a dump."

"I am not going anywhere near him if he has poop on him," I stated, taking a few steps back.

"Welp, that's her first sentence without stuttering."

"Someone help me please," Syurm whimpered.

Just then, a ghost flew full tilt into the exact same bush Syrum was in. The ghost then started mimicking the boy's position in some pretty drastic ways. It was all I could do to keep from laughing. I was so glad that the other two couldn't see me.

The ghost then perked up. The now-discovered she-ghost immediately noticed I could see her. And there was something special about her too.

I could see her with perfect clarity.

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