The Goblet of Fire

Start from the beginning

I looked at my Professors and McGonagall no doubt looked the proudest of them all. Even Snape looked impressed, though he tried not to show it. Dumbledore beamed at me. I couldn't keep the massive smile off my face as I returned to my seat. Gryffindors patted me on the back as I passed them.

"You were brilliant!" Ron said, grinning.

"How did that feel?" Hermione said, eagerly.

"Terrifing and exhilarating. I kind of want to do it again." I said, smiling.

They laughed.

"See you had nothing to worry about." Harry said, smiling proudly at me.

"Thank you to all our performers. The Triwizard Tournament will official be opened at the end of the Feast intill then I invite you all to eat and drink. Make yourself at home." Dumbledore said, sitting down once again.

The dishes in front of us filled with food. The house-elves had really outdone themselves, as there was a bunch a foreign dishes aswell as the usual food.

"What's that?" Ron said, pointing at some sort of shellfish dish.

"Bouillabaisse." Hermione said.

"Bless you." Ron said.

I laughed. I felt so much lighter now. Hermione rolled her eyes.

"It's French. I had it on holiday. It's very nice." Hermione said.

"I'll take your word for it." I said, as I grabbed some potatoes.

After twenty minutes into the feast a girl with silver blonde hair, that looked like an older version of Gabrielle, came over to us.

"Excuse me, are you wanting the bouillabaisse?" The silver haired girl asked.

I could tell she was struggling with speaking English by the look of deep concentration on her face.

"Ouais, tu l'as. Bienvenue à Poudlard. J'espère que vous apprécierez votre séjour ici." I said, kindly.
(Yeah, you have it. Welcome to Hogwarts. I hope you enjoy your time here.)

The girl was momentarily shocked at my perfect french. Then she beamed at me.

"Merci. Si je ne savais pas mieux, je penserais que vous étiez de France. Votre français est fantastique, tout comme votre performance. Je ne connaissais pas l'histoire remarquable de ce château. Je m'appelle Fleur Delacour." Fleur responded.
(Thankyou. If I didn't know better I would think you were from France. Your French is fantastic, as was your performance. I did not know about the remarkable history of this castle. My name is Fleur Delacour.)

"Ravi de vous rencontrer. Je suis Rosabella Black. Voici Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley et Harry Potter." I said.
(Nice to meet you. I'm Rosabella Black. This is Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley and Harry Potter.)

Fleur smiled at all of us and picked up the bouillabaisse and thanked us as she returned to the Gryffindor table.

"She's a Veela! She has to be! No normal girl looks like that! Ro, tell me every word she said!" Ron said keeping his eye on Fleur Delacour.

I rolled my eyes and translated the conversation for them.

"Ro, can you teach me french?" Ron demanded.

I gave him an annoyed look.

"It took me years to learn French. I started when I was about five and I didn't become fluent until I was about 10." I said.

"It takes that long!" Ron exclaimed.

"When your not living in the country of the language your trying to learn, yes. But even living in the country it will take a few years." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Its whole new language, Ron." Hermione said briskly.

"I still says she's Veela. They dont make girls like that in Hogwarts." Ron said mainly to Harry.

Hermione and I shared an angry expression.

"They make them OK at Hogwarts." Harry said, absent mindedly.

I looked at him but he was looking towards the Ravenclaw table. I followed his gaze and saw he was staring at Cho Chang. I don't know why I felt like I had been kicked in the gut, but I did. I suddenly felt worthless. Hermione seemed to notice and grabbed my hand from under the table.

"When you've both put your eyes back in, you'll see who just arrived." Hermione said briskly, pointing towards the staff table.

Rosabella Black | Daughter of Sirius Black | (Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now