what do you think

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do you think it's still ok to be sad? I asked you

or is there a point where everyone begins expecting you to be happy again?

and when I use the word sad,

I feel like I have to explain what that word means to me,

because it is so dark and goes so deep,

and surrounds my head in darkness

that it's both overwhelming and stabilizing at the same time...

and it hurts so much.

it hurts and hurts 

and hurts,

that the meaning of the word gets lost in a feeling 

that only I know

and too well,

at that. 

And how could I possibly tell you

the way that this feeling pervades 

our home,

when you were born here,

and you refuse to believe that something is wrong,

and you won't even come inside.

you see the predicament we are in?


and that is just one feeling.

I know I don't have to spell it out for you every time, because you know, but I need to tell you anyways - again - that it's not the only one that crawls around in our house.

but you already know that. 

you've seen most of them, and you live with all of them. 

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